If all you did every day was stare at the news cycle highlighted by the Patriots, you'd think there was absolutely no way we could ever see victory. Politics can have an uncanny ability to wear on you and tire you out after a while. That is one of the reasons I admire Trump so much. It's like he was born and designed to battle against them in political warfare. He is an absolute tank. Unmoving.
He's a stalwart.
If I focused every single day on how they might destroy our country, then that is truly all I would come to see. I will lose hope that the country can be saved.
If I, like David, focus on how powerful God is, I will throw my stone at the enemy and see Goliath defeated.
Every single other person in that army was focused on how big and ominous the giant looked. He was taunting them, loudly.
Isn't that what the enemy is doing now? Taunting those of us who see clearly.
But is that the real truth? I say no.
The truth is that God wins. That reality supersedes all other events. No matter what you are going through, it is THE truth. He is victory.
If we focused on that with greater clarity, we would find our leaps of faith going a little higher every single time, we'd find that Goliath actually seems rather small. Not to us, but to God, who is with us.
Since this part of the journey is specifically designed for the normies, I truly feel we have to continue to look towards God or else we become discouraged and lose heart.
Sometimes what's happening on the surface level will not give you what you need to continue to move forward.
We have to look from a different perspective and see beyond the mud slinging.
Every day we wake up in this precipice, we are actively engaged in a leap of faith.
Once this awakening has its effect, we need a revival like never before for God.
No amount of political strife can change many of these lost souls' hearts, but God can.
Confused souls can find peace, even the most lost can be made new.
God can do what politics cannot.
He can bring healing, comfort, and real transformation.
We need fighters to rise up in the swamp and fight back. Don't get me wrong.
But what this world needs more than anything is a wave of revelation about God and everything else can fall into place.
I happen to feel that all these blatant red pills being distributed by the "movie" is setting the stage for such a moment.
We could all use more prayer in our lives.
If you find your wings getting weighed down, readjust your attitude, set your sights on something more substantial than DC. There is a higher power far stronger than any cabal elite and He's making something beautiful out of all this chaos.
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3 years ago i looked to the Bible for comfort and hope. I found a phrase we all know “The meek shall inherit the earth. I thought what the heck was JC talking about? There is no room for muffins in the war! So I researched the biblical/ancient meaning of the word - it means Righteous, Humble and Patient. Now that i can get behind and makes perfect sense.
Thanks again for sharing some truth and faith fren
A huge part of this whole process imho, is that we all have to do the work within, in doing so, we re-discover and or strengthen our faith with God our Heavenly Father, Source of all Creation. And in doing so, brings, Clarity, Faith and Peace 🕊️ 🙏.
A lovely article, with love and thanks 🙏💛🤗