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Never apologize to anyone for believing exactly what God showed you.
When God told the Israelites that they would be delivered from slavery, Moses did not apologize to his people for every setback. Just because it looks impossible, it does not mean that Moses misunderstood what God said.
Think about what is happening. You are seeing governors show the people a blueprint for freedom in the face of sheer tyranny.
The harder they push, the greater the awakening. Hussein himself is worried about all the local impact being made by Patriots across this country. Don’t you see it? This is a pivotal moment in the plan.
The military cannot accomplish this without you, the everyday patriot. We are the future and cabal are the past.
Our movement is about replacing a failed political establishment. In other words, power is returning to the people.
Trump and Q highlighted this video over and over for a reason. This is all necessary. The enemy hardens their hearts over and over, yet God continues to push us forward and use their own moves against them.
You, the people, are rising up in the face of evil. The Cabal Pharaohs are startling a sleeping giant by going after the children in such a blatant manner. We’ve never seen such hubris in the modern era. And that is the point. Everything they do has only served to awaken.
It was not Pharaoh that God was concerned with. It was the people's lack of faith, their constant complaining. What makes this moment any different? You have every right to feel and taste the bitterness of war but never forget that you are being set free. People are being activated.
When Moses walked the people out of slavery, most of them doubted every single step of the way. And where did that doubt lead them? They had no vision. They did not understand what was happening and they would have clung onto comfortable slavery rather than break free for themselves and their children. Our present comfort is not comparable to our children living beyond the yoke of oppression.
They focused on the present suffering rather than the vision of a world of true freedom. How is this different from today? Whenever we achieve a victory, we rejoice, but then a loss comes our way and we are conditioned to despair. Find another way. Gird your loins.
Read the tea leaves, Patriots! The mere fact that the Georgia Guidestones fell, which highlighted their ultimate goal of world depopulation and slavery, is truly a sign of what is happening. Those with eyes to see know this is what is really occurring. You can believe it or not but it is the truth. The cabal would have never allowed Roe v Wade to crater. Keep these wins as a foundational groundwork for the events to come and come back to them in your mind. Remember them when a perceived loss comes into view and throw that black pill into the gutter where it belongs.
Think about what happened in Exodus. They were wandering around in circles in a literal desert for decades because they could not muster the faith required to win. Your own life has these desert cycles. You are presented with a challenge; you find out if you are ready to meet that challenge. Why not skip the circle of doubt and push past it instead? That leap of faith can save you so much time. Instead of wallowing in barren land, you can just win. You already understand that you cannot go back. You couldn’t possibly do so. Skip past the doubt cycle entirely.
Durham failed to convict Danchenko with a low-level lying crime. So what? This was never about a minor offense. This was always about the cabal and the heinous evil that they have thrust upon the world. This is about crimes against children and treason.
They have usurped the will of the people for decades. The will of the people changes when they learn the truth for themselves. Clinton, Obama, Soros, and many high-level players are complicit in treason. Lying means nothing. Sometimes you sacrifice a pawn to go after the King and Queen. Winning the game is more important than charging every single player with a crime. Everyone who is paying attention is now appalled at the system in which we find ourselves. This is the Babylon system. Every single perceived loss, albeit discouraging, only levels up your awareness. Q said that crimes against children would unite the world. Is not the stage being set worldwide?
Clinton is guilty of crimes against children. These are the people we must set our sights on. I still have faith that God is working on our behalf and winning this war. Trump has not given up hope and he recently affirmed those of us who take Q seriously over and over by playing a song that he knew would be connected to the anon movement. He did that on purpose. He retruthed that we should keep believing that nothing can stop what is coming less than a month ago. Do you take him seriously? Does he not have more information than you?
Trump Retruths blatant Q video
Q said that the end of this movie had a happy ending, that the best truly is yet to come. And I encourage everyone not to become bitter at the manna we eat along the way to freedom. Find ways to preserve your hope until that day comes when we exclaim: “F****** finally! Justice has come.” Because it will come. We haven’t gone through all this for nothing. Your faith is not a mirage in the desert, but the cabal will soon be a distant memory. History will look back on the independent journalists and anons and remember our part. And most importantly, we will thank God for overthrowing a force no one person could take on.
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As always PLM you are exactly what’s needed now. No hopium but true light.
Thanks for this encouragement! I like how you remind us of all the winning we’ve done so far, like the Roe V Wade victory, and how we need to keep our eyes on the big picture and the strategy of exposure. We are in this for the long haul and have to constantly overcome doubt to press forward into God’s goodness, love and power. This is the culmination of the ages, the fulfillment of so many prophecies and long-awaited justice, it is going to come but nothing this big is ever easy. Keep writing and sharing the hope God is giving you!