Many are going through a lethargic malaise. Like we are in this limbo period. There seems to be no clear-cut goal other than to hang on and continue to push the awakening forward, one red pill at a time.
We've been battling for months on end. We walked through the greatest infringement of human rights we've ever seen with our heads held high. But the fatigue is certainly real and there hasn't been a lot to cling to in the fog. We've seen so many victories seemingly snatched away from us. Most have desired something we can celebrate.
And although we’ve had many along the way, there is still the looming precipice hanging over our heads like a cloud.
Maybe God wants to work on you in that downcast moment. If you had it any other way, you’d miss something valuable in the fire. A forging of something precious.
From a personal standpoint, I've been struggling with physical health issues and chronic pain. It's taught me something valuable though despite the struggles and limp it gives me. It's taught me to endure, to cling tightly to God, and to simply never give up amid the pain. That cup of suffering, whatever you yourself might drink, can be a tool in God's hand. It's crafting you into the person you ought to be, it's lifting you up toward your destiny when you give your life to God. No matter how hard it might be to continue on, just know that you are not alone. Even when it feels silent, you find some measure of strength in that low place with God. Pain can help you relate with God more than most might think. You have more compassion for others; you think little of yourself. Your ego and pride take a back seat where it should be. David, himself said that even if he went down into the depths, he knew God would be with him. That understanding is priceless. So even though anons have their own limp, we continue to move forward through this. You're learning to guard your mind when you feel so low. You're becoming a bastion of hope when you may feel known for yourself. You become a powerful force in this world because you surrender to the truth, to God who holds all in His hands.
You're going to make it through this.
Knowing where to go isn't always what you need.
That malaise can be a friend to you. When you are blind and you do not know where you are going, you have that rare opportunity to let God take you somewhere that perhaps no one has ever been.
If everything felt familiar at all times, then your faith would not blossom.
There is nowhere you can go that God will not be with you. Start believing that and even in your trial, trust God all the way. The pain you feel is not permanent but only one step in the journey. Make heaven proud, dear frens.
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Dear Pepe, I know for a fact that God is with us through this spiritual war/journey. I know that I have only to say His name, whisper a prayer and He is guiding me. Think about Psalm 23. I know I am not in the valley of death per say , but it is the death of the old person, the sinner who is changing to be more Christ like. He is my comfort and joy because His love is never ending!
Recently I was is incredible pain from a bone spur growing up on top of arch on my right foot. I couldn’t rest or sleep. So at 6:00am, I reached for my Bible, sat in my recliner, turned on the lamp and started reading. By focusing on God’s great love for His children and finally just telling Him how exhausted I was and how I wanted to sleep the pain started to ease. I hobbled to the closet bed and just started praising Him and went out like a light. God is so close and hears our every thought. We just have to rely upon Him more!
Feel better dear Fren!
Very encouraging, and it's right where I live right now. Thank you, fren.