The Zealots had a plan. They sought their Messiah as a figurehead. They wanted to use this savior from God to enact what they assumed was the best course of action: A violent overthrow of the oppressive captors of their day, the monolithic Roman Empire. In hindsight, this was a far inferior path to what God truly had planned.
Consider how mankind views their individual circumstances. We have a rather limited idea of what can or should occur. But God’s ways are vastly superior and often offend the fleshly mind. Christ came to the people of Israel and told many of them the exact opposite of what their ears longed to hear. He rejected their idea of saving that physical nation through violence and politics and said, I am going to die for the curse of sin to be lifted from the entire earth.
This is not for just one people group but for anyone who accepts it.
The zealots had been told their whole lives that they must wage war against this Roman slavery and free their people with the sword and the real Messiah, God himself, says to their faces, that is not what I am doing.
Judas himself likely wanted Christ to free them in a very physical way in that exact moment. But God had a long-term plan that expanded past just one generation of people and beyond one nation.
I often ponder to myself, if Christ came today, would it not be in a way that many, even the religious who are closer to God might miss if they put God in a box?
Thinking outside the box is something that many of us have grown accustomed to after witnessing just how deceptive the mainstream media truly is. We know that the media has become provably fake and has been so for far longer than many would like to admit. Much of our history has been distorted by the slave masters behind the shadows. It is hard to contend with this truth. The Pharisees saw Christ, God’s very plan in the flesh, and could not see it. Yet, those who were humble enough to admit they knew little and were flawed sinners not only embraced Him but allowed His power to flow through them. Therefore, becoming teachable in humility is nearly priceless. It gives us the ability of flexibility. Creating a mind in us that, while strong and discerning, is malleable to the will of the Spirit.
People want to put God inside of a box. Inside a man-made creation and keep Him there as an idea to control. Yet, He is so much more than that. Some people claim that miracles and supernatural events have ceased. But when you actually sit down and read the words in the Bible, they are filled to the brim with some of the most absurd stories of angelic encounters, miracles, and downright mind-boggling happenings. God is so much more than words on a page, though the Bible is precious and worth consuming. The problem is for many, that you have to risk something to actually encounter that fiery presence. In many ways, God is dangerous. He is pleased by faith. If you are not willing to risk, how can you grow or really find out who He is for you? You have to put away your preconceived notions and experience God the way He wishes to reveal himself to you, whatever way that is. He is not someone who can be manipulated. We can’t hide from him, not successfully at least. And this barren nakedness before that mystery which we cannot comprehend causes a certain fear within us to rise. We have to set aside our dread, the offense, and our very life itself, if need be, to really witness the divine.
Our plans become subservient to the burning bush, an untamed and unpredictable wildfire. The only truth you can expect from this is that God will always be good, even if He does not bow to your whims.
When we see that burning bush there is no telling what He might say or do. We were zealots, Pharisees, and beggars before but now the fire burns it all away and we become something entirely new. A new creation. And hopefully, one of our Creator’s dear friends.
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Beautiful work!! I’ve wondered about what I’d be doing during the scene in front of Pilate where the people are yelling for crucifixion. Would I he “awake” ? I’d like to think so but I don’t know. So I pray for discernment and watch and wait. I love your articles, thank you so much. Happy new year! 💛
Revelation 21:5: "And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' Also he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true'”
He did it then, and he does it now, and forever. The Word of God changes everything!🦋