If you are weary, this is not by happenstance. You are currently living through a mystical war that has been waged for generations. Does the warrior wrestling in the chaos not feel fatigued? A monolithic system that has oppressed the nations currently struggles to stay afloat. No one said it would be easy nor was that promised. As the water level rises, we are all experiencing a purging of the unnecessary weights holding us down. That’s how it works, didn’t you know?
Babylon resists, enraged, as the symbolic flood rises to cover the rulers of old, just as in the day of Noah. God uses that pressure to simultaneously create diamonds of rare value inside of His people. God has not abandoned us. He is allowing many to stand in the fire without suffering death. The death we experience is of the old you. The person holding tightly to their pride, their own strength, and their coping mechanisms unnecessary for the next seasons. God may allow you to suffer through the heat, but it is for a good reason. It doesn’t always matter if you can see it right now.
I truly believe we are on the verge of a massive revival, a cleansing of the world with God’s love. As if we are on the edge of that Promised Land, awaiting for God’s next move. There are many who echo those spies who peered at the size of their enemies, those Nephilim giants of old, and claimed that their chance for victory was minuscule. We must resist that temptation and hold onto our faith.
When the people saw that God was visiting the mountain, they urged Moses to go up by himself rather than take the risk of dying to a God they feared and could not understand. Too often, we are like the masses, living in our safe spaces. Unwilling to take the risk of seeing God for ourselves. Because to see God is to have the old self be put to death. One cannot see something of God, his glory, and not be utterly transformed.
A murderer named Saul, a killer of Christians, was transformed by seeing a glimpse of the resurrected Christ. So much so, that his name was wholly changed.
That is something worth noting.
It is said in the Bible that each of us receives a name that only God and that person really know. In the depths of our hearts, we are all on our own journeys with God. I, for one, want to be called someone who believed God all the way. Who didn't shy away from the giants of our time, but got out of that boat and walked on water with our Lord. Even for just a moment, even if my faith could only hold so strong. God helps us in our unbelief and raises us to a place that we could never rise to in our power.
All this pressure you feel in your daily life is not for nothing. It is not in vain. If we lose sight of the hope that sustains us during this time, that is how the enemy wins the smaller battles. For the enemy cannot win the war. It has been lost and we need to remember that. They can only hope to delay the inevitable victory.
For it is said that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
That's what I believe we are getting ready to see. The world is experiencing a rising of the pressure from every side. Just because it is difficult to ascertain the reason why you are feeling the heat, it does not mean it is without purpose. God is taking a tapestry of chaos and forming an intricate blanket over the world. He is covering it with a loving intense flame. Designed to cause Babylon to fall.
Babylon falls within us before it falls in the world.
He is causing His people to go to a low place, one of humility and trust.
For only when we go low do we and the suffering Christ in a deeper intimate way and then God raises us up.
You aren't alone. The enemy wants you to believe that the chaos in your life and the world is your downfall but, in reality, it is his.
Trust God. All the way to the very end. To completion.
Thank you to everyone who supports me and my musings. I hope my writings continue to bless and encourage you.
We were all meant to be in this place in time & we'll get through it. Put fear aside & put on the full armor of God.
Beautifully penned Pepe. Thank you.