When Pontius Pilate told Christ he had the power to crucify him or set him free and Jesus looked him straight in the eyes and said you have no power but that which the Father gave you.
Sometimes I think about this moment in awe.
I mean wow. Really let that sink in.
Pilate really thought he was in control of the situation but little did he know he was simply a pawn in a divine plan.
Think about the freedom Christ was living in that He refused to fight the will of God, even when allowing that will to bring Him to the cross.
Often we find it easy to doubt God when something happens in our lives that we don't understand makes us uncomfortable or uneasy.
But what if we had the faith to look at our perceived problems dead in the eyes and tell them that you have no power but that which my father gave you?
Imagine how much rest we could live in if we stopped living as if we were orphans in this world and we knew, I mean really knew, that God was working all things for our benefit…even our crosses.
True freedom is rest in God.
This is why it is said that those who conquered the Promised Land received rest.
Think about a situation you're living through today and ask God if it's something you need to look in the eyes and say: God is in control and I'm His son/daughter and He's working all things out for my good. I'm NOT an orphan. He is with me.
Start believing in a radical way. Let your faith rise.
Is there a situation you are struggling with today that you need to lay down at God’s feet?
(Do you guys like these quick words in between my longer digs on this format? I am working on a much larger research dig that I’d like to post soon. Thank you all for your continued support and love)
Love this Pepe, Thank You for this profound reminder today. Another reminder to us that God is in control.
Your timing is perfect 🙏🏼
I am struggling. It’s a struggle only God can fix. 💔