4 hrs agoLiked by Pepe Lives Matter

Kamala Harris told a Christian who yelled “JESUS IS LORD” that he was “at the wrong rally” in Wisconsin two nights ago.

Then she cackled and said “I think you want the smaller one down the street” and cackled some more.

She was very proud of herself.

Christians have been arrested for praying under Kamala Harris, 78 year old grandmothers are in prison right now.

It will only get worse from here if she is allowed to win.

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This speaks volumes.

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What you wrote also speaks volumes too. Thank you! I'm sharing it with everyone I know!!!

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She’s a Babylon whore devoid of any light.

This witch is revealed by her rambling speech that is devoid of any principles but the one of her own betterment. She knows not God nor Jesus and she will in her moment of Saul.

She is very unlikable!

She worships power control.

Not the One who is All Power All knowing.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Pepe Lives Matter

Exactly correct. I really don’t see this. I know that we have Democrats in our congregation, but we have those like me as well. If they are Dems, I hope they aren’t led to vote, but as well those like me are strongly led to vote. God’s will be done!

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Voting may not work—but it does show the world your intention. Are you for or against human slavery and the sacrifice of children?

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Even if they cheat, force them to cheat hard and vote.

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Exactly make it harder if 100 million vote for Trump

We really need to fix our elections. Still think we need mandatory voting. Incentives includes a gold star, on a one day paper ballot. With voter ID.

The facts are a country that is supposed to be

The most sophisticated ought to make voting

Like a drive through fast food place.



Transaction validated

Voting Day Off

Make it the most important holiday ever!!

Invite Santa Turkey fireworks luck of the Irish

And Lovers.

Vote man, it’s the best way to send a message.

It may be your only voice you have.

Ought to be able to vote 🗳️ know the will of the people is accurately represented.


Wait till 3 weeks and keep counting counterfeits.

This is OUR was OUR COUNTRY!! Taint till ya all

Get thick skin and establish a will that demands better. WE can DO MUCH BETTER. Just sayin. .

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4 hrs agoLiked by Pepe Lives Matter

Amen Pepe. Thank you and God bless.

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I second that Laura Kasner

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4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoLiked by Pepe Lives Matter

Overwhelm them. Show them we won't lay down for their sickness. We are Gods people and we have power from God. This is how we use Gods power!

This was awesome- take a look & reallllly hear what he is saying; https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/the-best-is-still-yet-to-come?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=990855&post_id=149935223&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=x0z8&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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4 hrs agoLiked by Pepe Lives Matter

So true, thank you for sharing this with us. I worked with WRITE NOW.com and mailed 100 letters to people who say they are Christians but haven’t voted in years! I pray that their eyes be opened and their hearts be stirred! God Bless You.

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Christians must vote!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Pepe Lives Matter

Yes it’s hard to believe. We all know you can’t fix stupid however! We all need to be praying for our country. With some states turning to No ID Required it’s quite worrisome. I believe it’s in God’s hands but we need to do our part. Thank you Pepe!

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God Bless you Pepe 🙏🏻

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4 hrs agoLiked by Pepe Lives Matter

Well said. 49% is Alarming indeed! This is the once in a lifetime election to vote in. Do they really want to sustain from the opportunity to choose right from wrong? Against God? This choice is so clear. Just choose. Just vote!

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The choice is clear but Christians get offended by ridiculous things. They fail to see the important issues at times.

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Is anyone old enough to remember when being a Christian meant you don't smoke, drink, or play cards? Satan always has a list of things for Christians to get upset about, so they will focus on those instead of what matters.

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Abstaining (my oops) from choosing/voting is Not an option that should be taken lightly. I think there are plenty of people ready of all types!

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Christians who don’t vote are leaving their votes on the table. The cheating leftists are happy to pick those up & vote for you. It’s time to stand with God.

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Well said! And about damn time Christians get off their butts and vote to change the direction of our poor country! This is a war of Good vs. Evil. Christians nationwide need to rise up and vote for the one voice of sanity that can get us back on the right track. Passivity is evil!

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The thing is that probably better than 49% of Evangelicals are not really Christians anyway. Many are called but few are chosen. Few enter at the straight gate and walk the narrow way.

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If they only knew how truly foul the democrat party is. All of them

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It seems the elephant in the room is the support for Israel, a country wholly formed and supported in the Dispensationalist movement, after Scofield changed the meaning of the verse in Genesis; a clearly unsupported transliteral meaning, i.e. city into nation and the adaptation of the name Israel, initially given to a man for its meaning.

The Balfour Declaration ended almost one year ago and yet nothing has emerged mai stream with regard to the people with no place to call home, once again. What is clear is that our legislative leadership is largely that of dual citizenship, controlled by these very people. Our people suffer while Congress votes to put their children through free schooling. The curtain has been pulled back on the largest subterfuge the world has ever known, and still Trump, Flynn, Bannon, etc., etc. support this crowd - the same crowd that launched the Ukraine unrest to mask their ungodly adrenochrome labs. Why are the palpable topics going dismissed and unmentioned?

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God's future reign on the earth is more about the glory of God being manifested just as it says in Isaiah. I don't think it has anything to do with one particular country. However, I see Mystery Babylon as something that usurped the people and brought each country into a type of slavery. For instance, the Federal Reserve System and the banks are a type of slavery.

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And so much has been written as to whom the "authors" of the Federal Reserve happen to be ... "mystery Babylonians"? Or Amalekites? Or nephilium from the city of Phrygia? I think the original peoples from Palestine, pre 1945 had no issues that made them refuse to sign a an agreement on nuclear non-proliferation; However since JFK intended to right this wrong, these people have been out of control. Who are they and why does no politician oppose them? We can only hope that Trump is playing their game against them.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Probably the most wise comment on this I have ever read. I get it. For this reason you mention, is why Christians are pulling back from a 'rigged' game and going all in on Gods will.

Let it be, so to speak. It's too late to earn Christians trust. I don't know if Trump is earnest or not. Or if he is in on the game of deceit. Will we all be screwed in the end?...........Who knows!

I do know that if I don't stand up against evil, if that means just casting my lousy vote, I am conscenting for it. I want to be represented--FOR ME & MINE.

"No" vote is really a vote. A vote for laying down to let them all have their sick way. If Christians vote, God is in the game. If Christians don't vote, I see God shaking his head in sadness, watching his people give in to evil.

I wasn't going to vote, for part of the reasons you stated. I think God needs us to vote. This would be my only time I have never voted. I will vote--1 more time and give it to God.

Thank you for your comment.

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I think voting is a statement against the evil that has captured the Democrat party. I will make that statement. My opinion is that it isn't this election that will determine the fate of our country because God is about to step in and effect a major upset of what satan has done and what he plans to do. My statement and yours are part of it all.

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Exactly, we are in a war between good and evil, have been for several years. It is reaching a climax. All Americans, including those who call themselves Christians, must make a choice, or the Adversary will make that choice FOR them.

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Those who claim to be Christians, of all people, must understand that the Scriptures say that nations who are against "Israel" will incur the wrath of the Creator. The bigger picture now is that Trump is not against Israel, per se. He supports peace, and national sovereignty, and does not support terrorism.

However, nominal Christians really are very ignorant of the terms and definitions involved. Who is Israel? Who are the Jews? Is the nation/state called "Israel" the Israel referred to in Bible prophecy? I will leave that for you to research.

Clearly, we are to "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem".

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My parents taught us to always vote, and spent many years being involved in local politics. They ran phone-banks, stuffed envelopes, door-belled and watched the polls. They exclusively supported Republicans and would be appalled if they knew everything that was done under that banner. May they rest in peace.

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Do you think it is only the Left who are full of self-righteous "virtue signaling?" All this yap about baby killing, when abortion is a WOMAN'S issue, and you are too self-righteous to care about women? WOMEN are HURT in abortion and women DIE in abortion but only the young one (latin word = fetus) matters.

REAL men love women and seek their well-being and try to protect them. And you let the "pro-choice" side be the women's side because self-righteousness matters to you far more than life or women!

I am glad Roe was overturned, but you are too busy being phony-holy to notice that baby killings dropped only 3% after Dodd, that Republican candidates were DEFEATED in Red states over this issue, and worst of all, baby killings are now higher than ever!

I hope you are feeling scorched. Be grateful that I calmed down enuf to leave out the filthy language. May you repent--turn around and care about women. THAT only will finally reduce the baby killing considerably. And then--God forgives!

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Well, this - "abortion is a WOMAN'S issue". Clearly not, it affects ALL. It is murder, with only a very few exceptions. Murder is a crime, just as all the other crimes on the books, and it affects ALL Americans. Now, each individual state and their citizens can choose how they wish to regulate this practice, as it should be. Some states that have been populated by atheists and marxists have decided it is okay to murder a child after it is born, and would also have no qualms about euthanizing any other class of citizen. This is pure evil and is what will bring down judgment from the Creator. Let that fall on those states then who choose the evil. Christians who have fought against murdering children have more fortitude than those who have kept silent and went along with the slide into degeneracy of society.

This issue is NOT at the top of the list of issues that concern most Americans, but the Dems TRY to make it an issue, when it has been settled. If we lose our country to the globalists and communists it will no longer matter.

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