Great synopsis. I too remember when this story first broke back in the day - Larry's story remains consistently the same. Tucker's pursuit of topics, strictly verboten previously at Fox, is epic!

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I actually saw Sinclair’s initial YouTube accounts and felt he was not seeking to make a name for himself, as others presumed, but was just trying to expose who Obama really was.

When Obama came upon the scene unexpectedly I got a bad feeling about him and I have learned to trust my gut. He preached change but didn’t explain what that change was. As a Christian conservative constitutionalist I have not trusted any of the presidents since Reagan, who ultimately was compromised to save his life. Obama’s red flags began at the staged family at the democrat convention to sealed files about his birth, education, and Obamacare which is still in affect throughout 2024. Too many men, such as Chuck Missler knew that Obama was placed in office by corrupt DC deep state. So actually there was a lot to see if you wanted to look before it all got closed down. I might add Sinclair is not the only openly gay individual who spoke about their relationship with Obama.

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We edge ever closer to the day when the world will know that Big Mike has a sausage.

Best. Movie. Ever.

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Black pudding!

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I can’t WAIT until the Truth on Michael is completely told!! I’m told… “I met her, there’s NO way she’s a man”🤣🤣🤣….. may it all be exposed!! 🍿 🍿 🍿 !!

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Many men as women have fooled us. Just think of Victoria's Secret...all male and how did the store come by that name...mmmmm Queen Victoria had a big secret.

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What a sordid and tangled web they weave. Thank you for the dig and write-up Pepe.

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I found two news articles in the archives on the murder of Larry Bland:



Death certificate: https://rense.com/general82/cdet.htm

Larry Bland and Donald Young were shot in the head within a few weeks of each other. Both never solved.

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Oh. Thanks bro. I'll check it out. I wonder if anyone could sauce the fact that Young's mother does think Obama killed her son like Larry alleges.

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Young's mother Norma Jean Young did interview with The Globe in 2010. You can see a partial picture of the article and some snippets of it here: https://historyheist.com/another-former-obama-gay-lover-donald-young-assassinated/

Supposedly in Jan 2008 she give statements to the Chicago 2 media accusing the police dept. of covering up the murder but the statement was later scrubbed and is lost now.

While researching I also came upon the sudden death of Alex Okrent, 29, who was gay and worked with Obama for many years: https://en.paperblog.com/another-of-obama-s-gay-young-men-died-mysteriously-488039/

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Good digging.

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Great informative piece, Pepe.

How interesting that clip is of Obama speaking about his religious faith and politics, yet no one more than he changed and interfered with religion and the laws with regards to same sex marriage! I wonder why that was, asking for a friend? 🤣

I loved your question if he can lie about being Gay, what else can he lie about... agreed and so relevant, A question I have pondered and many more people should consider, was Obamas presidency predicated on just one or many deceptions and what point do they become crimes committed against we the people?

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A chef, a birth certificate forger, and a choir director walk into a bar...

Drip, drip, FLOOD.


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Yes, incredible story and I totally believe every bit. I have known for a long time that Washington was nothing but a cartel.

Thanks for sharing Pepe

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In 08, back when Hillary was running for president the first time, Kevin DuJan of the long-defunct HillBuzz wrote extensively about 0bama and the Wright church, and how his marriage was arranged to cover for 0bama's secret life. DuJan was the one who talked about the bathhouses that 0bama frequented in Chicago. He pretty much shut down HillBuzz, disappeared and most all of the info he wrote was scrubbed. I have no idea what precipitated this; I read his blog almost every day and one day it just disappeared.

But he was the one who wrote about the other gay men at the same church who also died mysteriously. I remember this vividly. You want the info, that's the person I'd go talk to.


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Oh wow. I did not know this. I bet he was scared into silence.

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Rev. Wright needs investigating and his church exposed for their part in the cover up, and how about the parents of those two girls forced to live with two gay men...Lavonne’s mother lived at the WH to watch over them. Lots of gay parties held in the WH. Stay safe Pepe!

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He is still around; but things most likely went down just as you said. He pulled no punches on HillBuzz..... that is, until he went totally ghost.

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Kevin filled in as guest host of my old radio program for me a few times as well. I believe you will find a lot off the info you refer to on Wayne Madsen who originally reported on the bathhouse connections.

Sadly in 2008 a lot of the sources being linked to here also had big egos which because I did not speak to people when they called or demanded they turned and instead went on the attack . Only to later try and return to the reporting on a truthful note.

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What a shame, Larry. Thank you for sharing so openly and bravely. Blessings.

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Spot on Pepe! Thank you Rest well, feel better

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I believe it. Always have. Thanks Pepe.

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So good. Thank you Pepe 🥰

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Thanks for laying this out there! Here's a fun video so we can laugh at the absurdity of how we were all conned.


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That Tucker interview was jaw dropping! Thank you!

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I say SPICEY!!! Can't wait to see you streak. It's getting close. LOL I'm getting excited.

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