May 23, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

🥷🏻Red-pilled two two long-time classmates as house guests for the past 7 days. They left out of here excited, and I was highly-encouraged.


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May 23, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Saw this right when you posted it, and boy did I need this today! When I think about all of them in Geniva right now planning on how to lock us down AGAIN, I swear Pepe I want to lose my mind 🤯. Then I calm down, say a prayer 🙏 and turn it over. What else can we do at this point????

Will true justice ever get hear in my lifetime. I so hope and pray.

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Thank you, Pepe! As far as I’m concerned, I need you to be my “broken record” because it is a constant reminder to keep fighting this fight, but to also keep our eyes on God to draw from His strength. You are a beautiful spirit!! Thank you, fren!

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No coincidence you wrote this today. I opted out of listening to Chris Paul's podcast this afternoon, because I had no desire today to hear about more injustice and corrupt judges and stolen elections. (Lake).

My way of coping is also prayer and contemplation. Here where I am it was a perfect Spring Day - sunny, no clouds, no chemtrails, no wind, 80 degrees, no threat of storms for days, birds singing in the yard, trees fully leafed out in green.

This, and more, I am thankful for. Courageous individuals have been raised up for us, to fight these battles when we cannot.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

💗 thank you Pepe - so needed these uplifting and encouraging thoughts today. Faith 💪

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May 23, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thanks fren🐸

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Getting your face rubbed in it every single day eats at you...but that is the price we pay for being ahead of the curve. The show must go on and it’s all about perspective. Pepe is right, look how far we’ve come! 7 years almost and we have not wavered. There is dignity in that, bordering on nobilty in that. We flipped the script. The hoist on their own petard part will come. 🛡️🗡️

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May 23, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

For myself I know things are happening but it's still hard to keep the faith and to remain calm.

The confirmation for me came with the Omicron variant of Covid suddenly appearing on the scene and destroying the Cabal's original pandemic lockdown plans.

The circumstances of that "deployment" were too coincidental to have been a chance mutation and told me that there is indeed a 'white hat' organization in the background.

However, what has me nervous, worried and concerned is that these Cabal psychopaths and sociopaths might decide that to remain in power they will openly commit mass-murder on a mind boggling scale.

It's been noted that recently 30 tons of ammonium nitrate went missing in a rail shipment. It only took one ton for Timothy McVeigh to bring down that Federal building on Oklahoma City.

The DS has been dropping hints of a very major FF they're planning and I suspect they intend to cause massive damage to the supply infrastructure in the G7 countries to tighten their grip on power and institute an authoritarian reign of terror.

I'm also very wary that they'll start an open purge and the elimination of anyone openly resisting their power which includes all patriots in the western countries.

It's all gut feeling and intuition but the enemy we are dealing with is now getting desperate and are enraged they're losing their power and their hold on the world they've had for centuries.

I'm personally prepared to die fighting if needed, I have resolved I will never bend the knee or bow to evil, I know that act of defiance is punishable by death in the Cabal's new world order and it seems things are headed that way.

I defied them once already by completely refusing the shots and donating to the trucker convoy in Canada, my bank account was frozen for a few hours as retaliation.

But I will not back off and surrender because capitulating to them simply means I'll die a little later.

The level of psychotic rage of the enemy can be seen dimly in their actions on the world stage, they're trying as hard as possible to trigger WW3 but something is so far stopping them from carrying out that plan.

We are literally dealing with insane and very evil people who will die rather than surrender, but those of us who see the light and understand what is at stake, we know we need to finish this once and for all, there is no second place in this war.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter


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Welp, the choice is to hang on, pray, support, and keep on keeping on...or let go and let it all fall where it may.

Personally, I think it's all exciting and that we are all where we are meant to be - by design. God's design. Those who believe Him anyways.

We are where we need to be in all aspects of our lives: mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and yes, even spiritually BECAUSE Our Creator can use us AND our situations to reach the ones that others can't. The seeds He allows us to sow are exactly what the next can water, the next can prune, the next can deadhead, the next to water again - until that seed is a blossom big as all get out!

We are also exactly where we need to be because our own blossoming is not complete until He says it is. We too may need that pruning, that extra watering, etc to be all He wants us to be.

The ups and downs of late are par for the course, and to expect otherwise is foolish. Never in the history of humanity has the ability to communicate with others been so strong and powerful. Many of yore tried to get the Truth of the System of systems out, but that soon dwindled because We the People did not have the Tool to spread those Truths far and wide. BUT, we do now...and it is being utilized like there's no tomorrow, for in essence there IS no tomorrow. We all live in the present, whatever that present may be...and do what we can to make it to tomorrow and whatever that may bring.

I am proud as punch of every Patriot, Truth Teller, Freedom Fighter, and Confrontalionalist of all things evil and corrupt (known or unknown). I am humbled by the strength of character, the tenacity, the Power of Love and the 'dig in let's git er dun" attitude of my fellow human beings. I am honored to be alive to be a part of it all and I for one, will be hanging on with all my might and strength just to sow that one more seed.

Thank you Pepe, for once again, another glorious and heart felt writing. Considering [they] had thousands of years to perfect [their] strategies, I think we and The Team are doing pretty darn good!!

MUCH LOVE - and still counting the sands on the beaches ;)

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Thank you, fren. God's been giving me this exact message. These frustrating things have to happen to awaken those still asleep. It's the only way they'll get on board with us. When I feel my blood pressure rising, I know it's time to unplug, and go immerse myself in something that makes me happy. God's got this........ He doesn't need me micro-managing Him 😂. God bless us one and all.

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Thank you for the encouragement!

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Well said and a much needed message for many. ♥️🐸💙🙏🏼

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Love this, fren. Thank you!

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I so needed to hear this today. Thank you 😊

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