It was painful to read but I know every bit is true. Only you, Pepe, could have made it easier. I pray for you often and this must have been a difficult dig. We anon's are grateful for all you have shared with us. Great work, thank you.

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Thank you for reading! Spent a lot of time on this one! Appreciate you.

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It’s sickening to know how horrific & huge Paedophilia has grown in every country in the world?!?

I’m thankful for anyone & everyone who fights against the massive evil paedophiles & exposes them!

They all deserve the death penalty!?!

Good article, with lots of facts to back up what it says, but so sad to imagine the horror so many children have been through & so many lives ruined by this evil paedophile scum.

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Beyond the comedy that he had frog headgear on the first video, this is beyond sick. Seriously fucking sick. I cannot imagine the shit you went through for this dig…God bless you for perseverance in the face of horrible shit. This article was inherently hard to stick with only due to subject matter. TY, PLM.

God bless you for bringing this to light. But Phil Collins, Diana, Margaret Thatcher…all these icons exposed? Ugh. Too say nothing of the papacy…

The awakening will be taxing on anons…normies and NPCs are an entirely different ballgame. I pray God’s presence is felt by everyone on the planet as this shit is exposed. 4-6% lost forever…I pray it’s less than that.

Hornet’s nest, indeed.

Savile was most certainly an emissary of Satan, well-received by Charles and Andrew, if not Eiizabeth herself.

This evil must end.

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This article was more than eye-opening. I was reading it to my husband over the phone and got half way through it and he asked me to stop reading. He was so grossed out re: Saville. If he didn't repent before his death, then he's probably in a real hot place right now. Good article and good research. :)

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Thank you!

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When my journey began, I had no idea the depths of depravity of the cabal. The hardest part for me were the children and how abused they are. With our southern border as open as it is, the children being sex trafficking because of the Biden administration will make more money from selling them because it’s more profitable than drugs or weapons.

One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, you are giving us anons the information to share with the sheep that they too will finally see the truth as it is a truth that can no longer be denied. Thanks for your in-depth deep dive into areas that are most uncomfortable, but absolutely necessary for all blinders to be removed. God bless you and I hope you are feeling better.

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Amy Robach, the "pissed" ABC reporter who had it all 3 years before the public finally learned about Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre, did much more good than she thought. She prepared Virginia for her eventual coming out where the public learned. Because of Amy, Virginia was able to deal with it. And I was one of millions who saw that Project Veritas clip at the time. It confirmed the revelations, multiplying their impact. It is SO hard to believe this stuff. I learned about such things in 1992 from the book "The Franklin Cover-Up" which includes even worse Satanic abuse, teaching/forcing children to commit murder. I am beginning to accept that this horror is real.

Amy, you are a major heroine of the Great Awakening and your story will long be told in song!

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Good that you put all your different videos together into this giant history of one of Britain's most prolific sex criminals. Yesterday I read that King Charles the 3rd is not expected to live much longer due to a serious heart issue (shocked he has one!) and I find myself wondering if this might be a get-out clause to escape the coming accusations if Ghislaine Maxwell does indeed 'spill the beans' on Epstein's client lists, as anticipated. Stay well fren 🐸

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He’s been waiting decades for the old gal to pass. I’ve read articles where people think it’s the prince who is the anti christ. ???

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I have an open mind on that score. Sadly, as a young man in uniform I truly loved the guy. Sheep no more

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Oct 14, 2022
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Absolutely. Evil, twisted and the Lord has a place for all of the sickos involved

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If they have it all,

why don't they show it?

And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all,

the needle returns to the start once again and we all singing on like before. (del a mitri)

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Plenty happens. Remember that Epstein Island is literally shut down. God is making moves!

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Yep, and Nygard and Rainier. I am reading Q's drops since early 2018. So we got 3 abuser in 5 years.

At this point, I have to say I think my lifetime will not be long enough to get the great awaking done. And by the way, i am 52 years old now.

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No, my opinion of Britain's royal family has not changed by reading this article. It has been confirmed. What was not brought out was the likely main reason this sick royal family had a close connection to Saville. It was in order to gain intelligence and blackmail material. Also of course because they indulge in many of the same activities. They follow the model of Frederick the Great of Prussia, as Will Zoll has brought out in his phenomenal substack series.

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Can you post a link to Zoll's series, please?

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Buried at 45 degree is said to be freemansonic rite too..

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It takes tremendous grace and flow to share a tale of malignant evil and widespread infiltration with the unindoctrinated.. big compliment to capturing the depth of corruption. A tip of the iceberg that will one day soon be turned inside out. Keep writing Pepe.... Priceless.

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It’s as evil as can be. Hell on earth for all these precious children.

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This isn't Charles' only pedo friend, either. Charles' primary mentor was his father's uncle, Lord Mountbatten. Declassified FBI docs show that Lord M was a pederast & he's supposedly the person who introduced Charles to JS (suggesting they might actually have been part of a pedo network). Charles was also friends w/bishop Peter Ball who was also a convicted pederast.

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Read Paul Serran's Substack for more on Mountbatten https://paulserran.substack.com/

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Just WOW!! Great job fren! This write up has to get more exposure, I never realized just HOW sick & twisted this “guy” was. Excellent job PepeLivesMatter❤️🐸❤️! You’re always so helpful & much depended on in this movement. We love you & are so very thankful for you 🙏💪✝️🐸🇺🇸❤️

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Jimmy was a part of my world growing up. My sister and I even formulated a 'fixit' wish to him one time, never posted. The lesson of Jimmy is far more difficult than first appraisal, and you touch on it in this excellent and difficult dig. I need to amplify it. Yes, there are monsters amongst us. Yes human beings can fall to depths of depravity that are literally unthinkable to sane people. We need to move past this 'unthinkable ' problem - as a species: we need to have it as general awareness just what depths apparently 'sane' people can plummet to. Any one of us. Yes Jimmy is an abomination- but he was a supported abomination, and without the support he received, he would have been stopped. Full stop. We would not be thinking of him now. Only a system run by imbecilic nonentities could prop up and feed a monster like Saville. People, globally, right now, are keeping cretins like him in positions of power and influence everywhere. When that stops, they are done, their time is up. That 'awakening ' is precisely what we are going through collectively now, and Saville is just the start. This will not be easy, but it is very, very necessary, and every one of us has to process this fully from our own place. WWG1WGA indeed. Get this wrong, we all go to hell.

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Thank you for your complete dedication to us normies. I can tell this took a lot of work; It took me 2 days to get through all the videos and I am sure you did not post all your findings. So grateful for you and that we are getting close to the end all of this!!! Praying!!!

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Very thorough article. Thank you for your time to put it all together.

I told my oldest daughter that the root of all the uprising was to cover up the elites crimes of pedophilia. Convinced now more than ever.

God bless you!

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Amazing read. I had to check out of work for awhile to dig in to this post. I was aware of the connections to the royals and the "elite" as they call themselves, but never to the extent you laid out and exposed here. I know God will be swift in his judgement and I feel the day is coming fast. Well written Pepe. I appreciate you more than you can realize. I'm sure most feel the same. Keep doing the work you do.

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