I’ve known in my heart since 1968. I was 12.

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I was 13... and yes, even t that early teen year, I sensed in MY heart something was going on.

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Great reminder to how real the threat is from within the CIA — too many coincidences are no longer coincidences.

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Cheers my fren

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Thank you! Yes - let’s get it ALL out in the open! I’m so disgusted (even though have been awake for over a year) - The corruption so deep and wide

Appreciate your perspective and agree 100 % that justice is way over due for all these crimes 😢

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Still praying for #45's continued safety here in the Philippines 🙏

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We The People cannot vote ourselves out of the corruption and treason that infects every facet of this illegitimate and criminal regime currently in power. We cannot peacefully protest this criminal regime because we know the FBLie and other corrupt and criminal elements of this government will use federal agents or paid antifa/blm members to create violence and chaos.

When enough Americans realize that We The People vastly outnumber all of them by at least 5k to 1 then and only then can we make the necessary changes to save OUR nation for our grandchildren. If the worst case scenario does occur, and I pray I doesn’t, it should encompass the family members of all those guilty of crimes against humanity, treason and sedition.

These treasonous scum bags never once cared how their criminal acts affected OUR families. Why should there families be immune?

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Montauk Project aka Stranger things…

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They reveal MK Ultra often in that show.

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Very good read

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Re the RFK assassination, the L.os Angeles coroner cites the cause of death as a gunshot to the right rear of RFK's head.

Sirhan Sirhan was positioned and shooting from the front and subdued.

Who reads coroners' reports?


JFK as President had issued Federal US Dollar Notes, in place of Federal Reserve Notes, the latter issued by the private banks of The United States and who own the Federal Reserve.

These notes were recalled when LBJ succeeded as President, after the assassination of JFK.


These and other events make clear to foreign leaders that there is little the US Power Elite will not do to push their diktats, against non-compliance.

Now, The West is in decline as China and Russia are not technologically inferior states that can be destroyed for their disobedience.

Expressed further under the Decline of The West, vectored via that failed, longest of the long LongShots, this engineered US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War over the lives of the poor Ukrainian people to weaken Russia, tip out its government and possess its considerable resources.

Judgment shall be by outcomes. Thus far, it is the EU and NATO that will disintegrate. Paradoxically, the present winners are simultaneously the United States and Russia. Those in the way of superpower aspirations invariably are ground up in the geo-political machinery.

Discussed here in lengthy, abstruse and eclectic prose across several essays that will leave the reader visibly aged, yet possibly far wiser although admittedly that is entirely speculative . . . https://les7eb.substack.com

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I was a young kid at the time, but even I knew something was terribly wrong that all these people were being shot. It almost seemed like a daily occurrence. It troubled me greatly while growing up in the 60s.

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Everything is a Rich Man's Trick.

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A miracle for sure. It's an amazing time to be alive. In our Hindu scriptures called the Vedas there have been instances where the demonic were wholesale slaughtered by God and there's always at least a millenium of peace amongst the peoples of the earth following. Usually, the majority of persons killed are with the military and government. Interesting to say the least.

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Nailed it

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Very scary world we live in!! Can this be resolved? Doesn’t look like any action or serious talk has happened! Are we still free? Kinda makes you think!!

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I was not even a month old living in Dallas with my parents and two older sisters in Binkley near SMU while my Dad was working all day and attending SMU Law School at night. My mother told me she was home from the hospital with me and was ironing w all three girls nearby and watching TV. She said Walter Cronkite came in with Breaking News to share of the JFK assassination and she fell to her knees crying in disbelief. While parents were conservatives, she and my dad had come to believe that JFK saw what needed to be fixed in our country and was going about doing just that. They never wavered from their belief that the CIA ordered the assassination of JFK. No doubts all of these years. My Dad went home to Glory 11 Years ago and my mom is now in a nursing home with dementia. I wish they were here and present to hear the news but know they’re both celebrating just the same that the truth has finally been revealed. My birthday is right around JFK’s assassination and I cherish the many deep conversations we had over the years about that time in history. I wish they were here with us during this amazing time to be alive and watch our world change for the good but they know. To God be the glory now and evermore!

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It really is all fake!

I found three of Dahmer's ''victims'' ALIVE after the trial. Mugshots for two of them (1999, 2000, 2006, and 2008) are on mugshots.com.

Looks like Jeff Dahmer made a false confession and the whole thing was a PSYOP. I've come to the conclusion that his father, Lionel Dahmer, coerced him into playing the role. TERRIBLE!


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"That and we know that God truly is protecting this man.

It's a miracle that we've even come this far."

What a load of bull. Trump is deep state for sure. Recent history proves that out. Theater is theater.

Stop fiinding reason to vote in an oligarch fools. This person is selling you horseshit.

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