Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I had an experience right at the start of the plandemic. I was on champix to stop smoking.

Went in the corral to pull a calf out of young cow. Things started to pixelate then turned red, black and out.

I regained consciousness my wife was holding my head and chest against the corral panels keeping me out of the puddles of cow piss.

In my mind I had an image very vivid of a man in front of me he had a sword on his hip. I mumbled to my wife. I’ve had the strangest dream. I guess my skin colour had changed to a greenish gray cast?

A minute or so later they got me up I made it ten feet went down again but I don’t think I was out very long.

They got me to the truck and left me there while they finished pulling the calf. (Yes they left me to die alone😂)

My wife and kids took me to the house stripped me and got me in bed hooked me up to a blood pressure machine. BP was in the low 40s.

I lay there didn’t know if I was dying or not.

That image didn’t leave my mind. I wasn’t afraid to die. I actually felt euphoric about it. To this day I have that image of a man with dark shoulder length hair, with a sword, in my mind and it still brings me peace.

I don’t know who it was or why he was there? Protecting me? Telling me to go back and do better?

I am a much more devout Christian now than I was then. Still a sinner but I try harder not to be now.

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Wow. What an amazing story. God bless you. You are here for a reason!

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We ALL are 🙏

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What a powerful and life changing experience! So glad you shared.

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Amazing story, I’m glad you’re ok! We will always be sinners because we are man. It’s an endless battle, but we strive to be more Christlike every day. God bless you!

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You are Truly a devout Christian!

I Feel Your Pain.

As I’ve been told, for many years, “Keep doing what you’re doing.”

I love you, my Brother in Christ 🙏

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Ohhhh…Pepe! I absolutely believe exactly these things that you do! I could never put it into words the way that you did. My favorite part…”On Earth as it is in Heaven”! Amen! 🤍🙏🏻

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I feel exactly the same way! I opened the original email I received of this post late last night and immediately forwarded it to a few of my siblings who are also awake and praying for our country and our world. My sister responded this morning saying that she has for some time felt that we are in the midst of the 2nd Exodus, which she believes will be even greater than the 1st; that today's "plagues" are God's warnings to the cabal to "let my people go" much as the biblical plagues were meant for Pharaoh & the Egyptians; all of which gives her a renewed hope amidst all the darkness. I responded that I totally agreed with her assessment & that that was the reason I have to stay away from things from time to time - to step back and immerse myself in God's Word, and that of the saints & prophets who have gone before us when I feel like I'm drowning in the midst of an overpowering ocean of doom & gloom - to regain my perspective & hope. I think that's why one of my (many, many, many) favorite scenes in The Chosen is the one at the end of season 3 when Jesus pulls Peter out of the raging sea & Peter holds onto Him for dear life & cries "don't let me go, Lord; please don't let me go" and Jesus answers "O you of little faith. Why did you doubt? ... I have much planned for you, Simon, including hard things. Just keep your eyes on me. I promise ... I'm here; I'm always here. I let people go hungry. But I feed them." Psalm 77 bookends that episode & I find it helpful to read through it whenever I get like this ... It starts with confusion and anguish but ends with the sure knowledge that God is always here - even if He's not visible with our human senses. Thank you Pepe and all Patriots and Truth-tellers. May God bless you ... & our world!

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

My view of our future is strikingly similar to yours. The cabal is on the way out, and the changes in our country will be historically without precedent. We have some tough times ahead but I don't think they will last long. Revival is already happening, even in Iran, of all places. We are going to be pleasantly surprised with what's about to happen. In the meantime, if it gets cold this winter, feel free to use your eschatology books as fuel in the fireplace.

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It's interesting to me that people's standard eschatalogy when the cabal was in control was always one that helped them keep that power. One that made the church weaker and continually think about leaving the earth and escaping..

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An event that puzzles me is one started by Vivek Ramaswamy. He's a professing Hindu, that's his right. But what he calls #1 on his list of truth, or whatever he calls it, is "God is real". Ok, but what god? He doesn't, as far as I've seen, go any further in explaining his point.

As a Bible believing Christian American I'll vote for a true fiscal conservative Hindu before I'll vote for a moderate self-proclaimed Christian. However, using Vivek as an example, as soon as he injects god he loses me. I'll ask again, what god? It is important to know.

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Well didn’t you hear the ‘pope’ ALL RELIGIONS ARE THE SAME G-d??? As far as I’m concerned Jesus Christ is the only way. Like Muslims they have their own interpretation of who G-d is!!!

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Ah yes, the 'pope.' As a faithful Catholic, I am oh, so....looking forward to seeing how our Good God straightens THAT one out!

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I think where we go wrong is 1) to think we know where his (V's) heart is: there are many people of all religions that know and accept Creator and even the work of conquering evil done by the Son of God. (so we end up accidentally judging - a task for only Creator) and 2) We assume that what V believes has any impact on ourselves or the world at large. That is his future. As long as he is not making me follow his false god, (if it is one), Father God is sovereign, and as long as I stay in my lane, what other people believe (that I don't know or have access to) is none of my business unless God has called me to share with them. THESE are the leaders we should pray for. But 'His Kingdom Come' here on earth will show the many that are NOT currently attributing the conquering of death and evil to the true Savior what God's plan really is. I hope I'm not reading into Pepe's post, but I can't see it another way.

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Pepe and readers. The rapture / end-times teaching was never the historic reading. Here is a pretty compact piece on how the church was highjacked by the ancient cabal — 19th century to where it is now.


So many assume that it’s what the Bible has always taught and what Christians have always believed. And it’s so cunningly devised a system that it inoculates adherents against any other scripture interpretations. Diabolical Doctrines of Demons. They know scripture better than us — know how to turn it against us. — Rapture-captured friends need to know this history. It can crack open the prison walls & allow them to break out into a light they’ve never seen, shining on God’s Word.

All Blessings and Godspeed, everyone!


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Greetings peace and love hopefully you're aware and prepared for the upcoming Global currency reset? If you need any information you can send me friend request for More info okay!

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These comments are riveting and moving me in such a delightful way! Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much! May the Almighty True Lord God Our Creator bless you all.

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Pepe, your words resonate with me so powerfully!! The kingdom of heaven here on earth! Jesus gave us the kingdom 2,000 years ago. The kingdom is within us. This is eternity already. The new beginning. We will return to the garden. Evil will no longer even be a thought. It will cease to exist. It will be like it never existed. God bless you brother.

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Greetings peace and love hopefully you're aware and prepared for the upcoming Global currency reset? If you need any information you can send me friend request for More info okay!

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

- 1 Corinthians 16:13

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Man O’ man, yassss. We as a people have been indoctrinated-coerced-led astray by the evil one from the beginning. Specifically, the church. And especially about “End Times”. I too, have heard generations throughout my life say the “end is near” and “get ready” “the rapture is coming” .. “the signs are all there”.. Well, let’s look at the signs, flooding, fires, famine, chaos, death, destruction. Looks like the cabal has manufactured ALL OF THESE, as of late. Which they’ve been doing for decades, globally. They like to twist and turn things that are Godly and use them for evil, so what a great way to distract Christians, but to manufacture “end time events”, but as we know “ammunition is finite” and they’ve been brought into the LIGHT, most people can see, most, I say. And there are many like you, who developed a relationship with God, through all of this, a greater understanding of ourselves and humanity, a greater love of Country and Duty and Honor and Respect. The fortitude that We the People have shown blows me away. We are Patient and STRONG and determined beyond measure to take back the most precious Country ever. Absolutely agree, TBIYTC. We had a tiny taste during Potus’ first public term, but I truly believe that the next 4 years will make our jaws drop. 🐸

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Beautifully and powerfully said.

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Agree 100%-beautifully said

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Outstanding post! Please take a look at the link & note I just posted above.

I had intended to add as a PS that the authors of the church’s deception are the very same who contrived the events seen to prove the false end-times interpretations of prophesies — But you said it here and much better, too!

It’s an op begun several centuries ago. All contrived. Self-fulfilling prophesies.

So many true Christ-followers have been deceived — and in the process have ceased to follow the First Things. Jesus said to Love God with all our heart and soul and mind and love others as ourselves; to return evil with good — and in their personal lives many do. Yet the war and destruction that they blindly support is distorted as good because: sacred Israel.

They have been conned into blindness of their own iniquity — calling evil good — by the demonic false teaching that was overlayed upon scripture and the events over these hundred+ years being contrived by the same demonic machinators. Those workers of iniquity.

We must pray for them and show them the truth, in love; the way back to the Jesus Christ and the Biblical truth they love but which they have been unwittingly lead so far from truly knowing. They have been greatly deceived.

Thank you again for your beautiful post and the encouragement to believers and all people. God’s love and righteousness is boundless and in more ways than we can ever imagine!

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I'm a little different. Related to the current status of the world I suspect you are correct, or at least in the neighborhood. What God has made obvious to me is I am a sinner, trust me, and only through the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ, am I saved from an eternal life separated from our Creator. That's my primary focus.

As for the world, it is collapsing as was foretold, so I try to do all I can to live the life I've been given, for God. Sitting around, waiting on the eagerly anticipate Shout is not part of my life. God wants me to live, not to wait .... !

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What you wrote would be true ... if you choose to ignore the promises that God has given. The "Shout" will not come at the end of demeaning and progressive weakness; it will be the crowning event of what is referred to as "God's march of glory" in The Rock Breaks the Globalists' Empire.

Happy reading

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I agree completely. This complacency has occurred mainly due to the Church's lack of knowledge of the Word of God. Especially, the prophesies. I could go on and on about pastors neglecting their calling for the sake of church attendance.

Matthew 25 is a warning.

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We all need a Bible church. Sounds so simple, but most the churches around me are the most twisted fabrication of Christianity you could imagine. I am so blessed to have found a church that teaches the Word of God; it is so critical to our salvation.

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

My faith is unchanged and I am praying for God’s forgiveness and healing for humanity. I believe that I am here for a purpose and that is to bring peace and love to others sharing the truth about God our creator, Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Holy Spirit of God. Together we can be the people God created us to be living our faith joyfully.

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I do believe that Trump is the wrecking ball. I can imagine many are surprised and will be surprised. Even our military and people world wide are and will be surprised. Thank you 🙏💪

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Yes, I agree with you 100%. This is exactly what Holy Spirit has been showing and teaching me as well.

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The defeatist Eschatology is designed to mislead. Jesus isn't returning until his"bride" is ready. And we're not ready. But the future looks really bright once the Cabal is taken down.

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Totally agree. The bride will be made spotless, this is what I believe.

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Having had occasion fir the light manifest over me , beginning as a small glow and the completely covering me I felt a peace so profound that all I could think to do was to knell at my be, put my hanks to get as a child might when praying. It is something I will never forget and my life and trust have been forever altered . It was the most humble and yet empowering event of my life, I can see it as plain as day and it happened many years ago.

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That cured my fear- 4 years ago! Great scripture!

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Greetings peace and love hopefully you're aware and prepared for the upcoming Global currency reset? If you need any information you can send me friend request for More info okay!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I have dug deeper into end times beliefs over the last few months, and I've been coming to somewhat the same conclusion. I've become persuaded that dispensational beliefs were created to fuel the Zionist movement, and when I see that Zionists were the ones who pushed these beliefs, it seemed pretty obvious that it was a ploy to weaken the church. I've been living in Psalms 37 for the past 4 years, believing those promises that the meek shall inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace, and that we will look for the wicked and not find them. Imagine what that is like. To live without a cabal trying to undermine everything. To have money that isn't debt-based and is un-manipulated. To build things and not have them destroyed by elites who have everything backwards. To cherish beauty and goodness. To LIVE and grow, not having a certain segment of the population constantly trying to deceive and destroy a portion of the population who only want to trust in the Lord and do good, to dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.

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I definitly believe that Christians had their end times beliefs skewed to benefit those in power. I am not saying the Bible was changed or anything like that but rather they bought the leaders of the church or influenced them to interpret the end times a certain way. And I think it has been detrimental to the church. That being said, God wins.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

When you read that the Scofield Notes Bible was distributed far and wide and practically given away free, it winds up being one of those "get it in there" situations that made it well-known and accepted in a very short time. Talk about influence. I marvel at the fact that Scofield's notes on Gen. 12 eventually filled up more than 80% of the page. It's a case of "hey, here's the plot of the movie" before the movie even unfolds. "This is how you're supposed to think about all this" instead of letting the plot unfold. Telling people what to believe rather than letting the text speak for itself.

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Yes! In the 20s& 30s when liberal doctrines (after 19th c German “Higher Criticism”, denuding the Bible of its Truth, had filtered down into major seminaries, & distilled, into the big denominations to finally overtake their polity), resulted in many rifts, disputes and breakaways.

False dichotomies in theology, such as science vs faith, distracted and then became entrenched in the fundamentalist movement, ripe to receive the seemingly benevolent teachers who were seeded, snuck, into these (and even, tho’ not entirely successfully, into the nascent historic, doctrinally faithful churches after leaving and losing the churches they had built.) The dispensationalist Bible societies, well-funded, sent adult Sunday school teachers and millions of free Scofield Study Bibles into myriad of churches. They landed in almost every evangelical’s home.

Evangelicals did not see the infiltration, the deception. True Christian Bible believers trusted these new doctrines, this new system of interpretation, thinking it truly Biblical. [ See J Gresham Machen’s “Christianity and Liberalism” — and others of his books, including his own account of these times (which I haven’t read). Synopses are available. His personal story, which describes well what I described above is “fighting The Good Fight” and his Biographical Memoir. Very insightful. ]

Since Hal Linsey, the next generations of adherents — and it must be understood that a great many are steeped in Scripture and not ignorant at all, but with everything distorted by the dispensational lens — they do not know they are caught in a cult; they think that it is simply what the Bible teaches and has always taught — if it is thoroughly studied and understood.

And today, since they so greatly dominate the narrative, affirmation is plentiful, from all quarters, and they denounce historical positions or define them out of existence, decrying “Replacement Theology” (the term they coined to vilify the historic Christian Biblical view). Their pastors, proudly anti-seminary, teach according to the original Scofield Bible notes, but the congregants don’t read them; there is no need, they are entrenched.

For an example of this you can view Bret Meador’s Athey Creek Church weekly Prophesy Update on YT. The pastor is just as captured as his very large flock.

This is all just one arm of the multiple-tentacled spiritual, teligious, social and geopolitical occult psyop we see nearing its planned completion (…and will not prevail. God’s sword is at work, as is His powerful love for mankind and His creation).

Grace and Peace to you all, in Jesus Christ’s precious name

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It's interesting that you bring up Hal Lindsey, because I said to my wife recently that I remember in the 70s when all this was getting into play that I look back at those days when I was a kid and it felt... invasive. The "grown ups" were pushing all this at us and there was also a bunch of distopian sci-fi movies about that time. There was so much "end of the world" stuff going on in things. All this upheaval beginning to show up in culture. Looking back, it was just a bunch of subversion going on. Our lives have been one attempt after another at subverting the masses.

But I come back to a simple "how did they understand it back then, when it was written to them" mentality. People are too "today-focused" and chronologically provincial about they perceptions. "Oh we are much more enlightened now. This has to mean that because we can see it so much clearer". Funny, but nobody believed this stuff til the Zionists really pushed it big time, and oddly, they're the root of communism. Fortunately a lot of us are awake to what's happening. And we pray.

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…I also found your story interesting. “Invasive”. I’m thinking about that.

I was a young adult, having been raised a little heathen and swayed by every wind of doctrine and life satan had thrown at us all during the late 60s & early 70s but I did have an upbringing infused with the fumes of Christianity — morals, love & ethics intact but cut off from their God-authorship —and I had a praying grandmother.

In around 1972, I had newly turned toward Christ (God’s beginning the turning) & away from seeing Christians as nutters. It was to a very unformed — and uninformed — faith. I’d come to see God as real, Jesus as true God, myself in peril without Him and was surrounded by new-age people of every stripe, practical hippies and a few hypocritical Christians.

I was so ignorant that I didn’t know anything about the Bible or that it was even important.

All I knew was that Jesus, God almighty, loved me and that I was not alone. I would cling to Jesus and call on Him when alone and scared (because a lot was scary) and He would not let me go. I held onto that privately, fiercely, stubbornly. In my ignorant faith, and He was always there to dispel it. Strong.

So I walked in the dimness of my own light, as God allowed and quietly guided and lit. (I understand it now.)

So, in 1974, when an acquaintance introduced the Late Great Hal Lindsey and we both read that (infernal!) book, I was heartened (and I had a Christian friend!) but I really thought It was dumb. In my own mind I didn’t like Lindsey, but believe it or not, I dismissed him and his vision because his perfect heaven was filled with bad country music . Woh! Sorry, no. That sounds like hell.

Amazing to recall that! Because, as my long meandering, solitary journey to a full understanding of the Gospel, of God, Jesus, the Bible and man — there were many years of just gleaning in the fields God providentially put in my path: the St. Matthew Passion, Rembrandt’s art, Medieval Mystery Plays, Art history and an indie theater production we did of The Book of Ruth, Bach’s Cantatas, Handel & so much more. Gleanings left as for the foreigners in the ancient land of Israel spoken of in the Pentateuch.

Much later I saw His hand in those years — in my entire life! And, as the Bible says (so I’ve no doubt), before time began, when I was a thoroughly known, mere twinkling in God’s eye. As are we all.

All my (our) idiosyncratic ways known and utilized by His Spirit and Grace to nurture, grow and mature this goofy lamb (and all His dopey sheepy flock.)

So that in much later life, my faith was matured enough to weather great personal tragedies, learn wise discernment, and to value the great and simple truths and people He has given to me.

I am most grateful.

Forgive me for caroming off of your Hal Lindsey story and fine musings — It got me thinking back…

We can both look back with insight on that crazy, bewildering, now understood time with a greater wisdom having experienced it. Appreciate it as a remembered time when God gave us His protection, utilizing the raw clay we were then, to keep us from falling in.


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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Well said. We Pray!

We discern. We trust.

…Would only add that behind and beneath Zionism, in its social, political and religious push, was the occult puppet master web, and beneath and behind that is the father of lies.

The Armor of God and the first things of Christ, & His Gospel of Grace, must accompany our prayer.

Godspeed, David. 🕊💌

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"The salvation of the righteous is from the LORD, their refuge in a time of distress. The LORD helps and rescues them, rescues and saves them from the wicked, because they take refuge in him."

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Pepe, I also agree 100%. One of the things that I have been learning about, since 2020, is the Christian’s authority in prayer. The words of the Bible are our sword when we allow Holy Spirit to direct our application of its truths. For example, Jesus would not have taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” if it weren’t possible! Also, “Deliver us from evil” have become words that I pray frequently.

I must now pray, “Deliver Florida from the evil storm that is now directed at it.”

In the Name of Jesus Amen

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Bravo! 👏👏👏 You get it. A genuine divine experience is life changing.

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Oct 9Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you for this thoughtful post. Well said. A lot of wisdom from you. God Bless you. 🙏

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Thank you!

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