We all knew that the Obama administration had them killed to keep them quiet because they never actually killed Bin Laden. It was a total psyop and Bin Laden was a CIA asset. Just like the WMD’s in Iraq that were never there but used to justify concurring a country rich in history and oil. Just like Gaddafi because he didn’t want to play ball with the world bank and wanted to use gold instead. But here’s the thing, look at all the countries leaving the dollar and the SWIFT system and going over the the BRICS. In the past anyone who dared to do that was attacked by us and brought back in line. But now we have become weak, to the point where the dollar is openly defied. That’s how you know the good guys are winning.

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Interesting. 10,000 words and not one of them: Israel, Neocons, Zionism, PNAC, and Greater Israel Project.

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It’s not hard to believe. This current government is wholly corrupt and treasonous. There is no way to fix it. It must be abolished and a new government created that truly answers to we the people.

Those guilty of corruption, treason, sedition and crimes against humanity must be brought to trial. If they are found guilty they should be immediately executed. All their assets must be seized and all their surviving family members should be immediately deported out of the United States to a country of their choosing.

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"Will people finally stop trusting the mainstream media and begin to think for themselves? "

Sadly too many people have not been trained to think clearly or at all.

The level of indoctrination done by our so called western educational system is so effective it has raised a generation of zombies to only obey the tell-o-vision or the MSM.

Look at the obvious corruption of the US gov't and still you get people who tell you it's all unfounded conspiracy theories because the MSM says so.

For such people it's too late, they can never wake up because they don't have the mental skills needed to think their way out of even the simplest conundrum, they can't even solve the simplest problems.

I know I sound cynical but the pandemic proved to me just how deeply brainwashed and stupid people can be, they are little more than programmed robots.

Presenting all of this evidence to such people will only bounce off them, many of them can't even form a coherent thought, let along follow a chain of thoughts to a logical conclusion.

While the evidence presented here is cumulative and damning, many people out there will only look at it and see a Jackson Pollack painting and it would make about as much sense to them.

The Deep State/Cabal have been very expert at dumbing down the population through "education" and there are very few people from the Millennials and GenZ generations who have the skills to break free of the Matrix programming they've been subjected to their whole lives.

Trump was amazingly successful at awakening those who still had a shred of independent thinking left in them, among a wasteland of NPCs.

Unfortunately, I think we've awakened all that are capable of being saved, I think the rest are going to have to wake up the hard way, with a cattle prod, when the Truth comes out.

Get those anti-psychotics and sedatives ready...

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The cattle prod has been applied, that’s cv19, now we watch the very slow awakening as the malfeasance becomes apparent. The citizen ship is being turned slowly and surely. It’s wake will take out the system of systems. Our work is to amplify the wake.

To hunt down every lie we find upon our path. We’ve been given a higher perspective for good reason. It’s always the pioneers who way find.

Become a scrutineer for life!

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Very slow awakening is the operative term here.

CV19 may have been a cattle prod but some of that cattle must've been brain dead.

I do believe progress is being made, I do believe there is an organization of white hats who are executing on an adaptive battle plan.

What I'm sometimes doubtful of is that we can completely eliminate the enemy in a timely manner where they don't get a chance to cause massive genocide on a planetwide scale.

I have been studying the psychology of the enemy since I was fully awakened in 2017, my own curiosity and my obsessive tendency to analyze battle tactics and plans led me down a very dark corridor to a place where I read and saw a glimpse of the mind of the enemy.

Evil is a too often an overused term to describe what we are fighting but irredeemable Evil is exactly the foe we face. To those who are religious and are advocating appeasement with this enemy as a road to peace, there can be no peace with this opponent.

We are not dealing with humans possessing a normal psychology, we are dealing with a cult which has elevated all the Dark Triad personality traits to extreme levels.

"No quarter will asked, no quarter will be given".

This is the war we are in with an enemy which will NEVER give up their goal of total domination and total control.

The deaths from the vax are only a small number of casualties in comparison to what the Cabal have planned.

The only reason why they haven't moved openly is because their main base of operations, the Ukraine was attacked and crippled by Putin.

I think the white hat alliance knew this was coming and when it kicked off last year the Cabal was caught by surprise.

Ever since they've been trying to hold on and are openly robbing the West of it's wealth to fund their operations without Ukraine as a base to support them.

From what I'm seeing and what Trump plans to do when he gets back in(and he will) this will trigger the final showdown with the Cabal.

They will unleash whatever remaining weapons they have access to and use whatever means they can to hurt and cripple the world because of their sheer arrogance and hubris which will not allow themselves to surrender.

If they can't control the world they would rather destroy it to the last human being.

One word of caution: Beware of the AI technology in the hands of the Cabal, they are most certainly looking at ways to weaponize it ASAP to use in their attempt to take over completely.

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This is a fight to the bitter end for us all against unimaginable evil.

It’s a curse and a blessing to be a witness as we take back the narrative in as many fields as we are able. This I feel is our role, the way finders.

So much deception!

There are many of us to sift through THEIR schooled daze mind weeds.

Scrutinise everything to find truth.

My offering is

We breathe air not oxygen

I take you through the process of how I came to know this and why it sits so well with lung physiology

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I am very pleased to read this today. Back in 2011, way before Q, I was immediately suspicious about the OBL killing. The tipping point was how they dumped the body at sea without showing anyone his identity. It was like “trust us, we killed him”. I knew that was total b.s. My old friend Max Igan, who was a huge part of my awakening and whose YouTube show “Surviving the Matrix” I would tune into every week from 2009-2013 or so, pointed out that the operation happened on Beltane (May 1) which is traditionally a day of sacrifices and rituals. So my take is that whomever they killed that day was sacrificed in the name of the Deep State agenda.

Well done Pepe, this was a great article that pieces together many aspects of the big events of the past 20 years.

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JFK established the navy seals in 1962. Vows to shatter CIA into a thousand pieces. CIA kills JFK in 1963. CIA kills navy seal team six in 2011. What the Q is going on. A long term multigenerational feud.

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My heart and mind cannot help but turn to the multi-millions of people world wide who needlessly suffered, died and were/are tormented by the sheer depth of the corruption of power, the heights of [their] self-centered egotistical goals, and the evil vile lengths gone to to achieve those aims - for centuries! Too many lives lost in battles for causes that didn't exist. Too many innocents who died as mere "casualties of war." Too many dying and suffering now as the fight for the world rages on. The pain of that knowledge is overwhelming, unbearable, and there NEEDS to be Righteous Justice for all!

Pray for The Plan

Trust God

Never Give Up

Always Have Hope

Much Love

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💯% ! Learning all of this his over many years has been overwhelming to say the least. If the sleepers get slammed with so much truth in a short time their heads will explode. I guess thats why Q said 4-6% may not make it. I pray for everyone- one day we will all be united as God’s children 🙏❤️ Jesus said he was the Truth and we must “know” to truly know the Father. I get that now. 😢

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Hard Truths MUST come to light in order to prevent/halt/decease their chances of happening again.

The More ya Know!!

The Truth won't be for everyone, but it WILL be everything to many.

The People cannot fight a war they don't even know exists.

If we, the Children of GOD know what we do, imagine what HE knows! (Everything). My heart breaks for His breaking Heart of what His children have become and have done.

It all needs to be disinfected by the Son. (The Light).

And WE, as His Children, must stand firm, no matter what!!

Much Love my fren.

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🙏❤️ to you as well fren

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Another excellent dig, Pepe.🐸

Will share with my frens who will share with their frens, who...

I was working 12-20 hour days when 9/11 went down; raising a family---like most Americans. But, you just knew something wasn’t “right” about the narrative.

Never trusted anyone associated with the Clowns. Didn’t trust the Clintons; didn’t trust the Bushes. But, I gotta say, at the time, General Colin Powell was highly ‘convincing’.

And, then one day you wake up and realize that every single last one of them was lying.


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A number of the rumble links show as Private/Restricted. Am I missing something? Cheers!

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Fixing that. Sorry!

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No worries, I am loving the content! God Bless You! I honestly do not know where you get the time. Godspeed, Pepe!!!

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Always relay on government that favors the current globalist flavor to point you in the right direction .... a direction 180 degrees from whatever or why they are telling you....

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And then there is Big Mike!

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It was an unbelievable lapse - because the military had a terrible loss of a helicopter of special operators, I think about a year before. There was quite a bit of hand wringing, "Lessons Learned," and "Never Again" discussion, analysis and position papers disseminated throughout the services. And then they DID IT AGAIN!?

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According to Le Figaro, France, Osama Bin Laden died in a (US) military hospital in Dubai in December, 2001. He was very sick with kidney disease and on permanent dialysis: look at the color of his face in the photos. He said himself, reported by Robert Fisk, the journalist, that he did not carry out 911, being a Muslim he was prohibited from taking innocent life.

So Seal Team Six were up to something else. A man was killed in the compound, but it certainly wasn't Bin Laden. There's a photo of a guy they claim was him, but it's lost on the net all these years later and I have no copy.

911 was carried out as an inside job. The Saudis provided the decoy story. The 15 of 19 fake hijackers' passports were arranged in Riyadh, SA by John Brennan (yes, him!) who worked at the US Embassy. The planes did not actually hit the Trade Centre Buildings. These were CGI scripts embedded in the film as it was taken by Helicopter News teams. They only needed a 3 to 4 second delay in the live filming to insert them. What you see is planes "hitting" with large explosions, but if you examine the photos carefully you will see one plane (flight 175) disappear like a knife thru butter into the building through the solid steel frame with no visible impact. In some clips you can see the fibreglass nose as it impossibly "perforates" out on the other side! These are minor "Photoshop"-type errors committed by the film crew editor. See www.amics21.com/911/flight175/index.html The first plane is a cruise missile which is captured on film, by accident, you can see it is too small to be an airliner. Same at the Pentagon. Lots of other trickery involved. Cutting-edge expertise used in controlled demolitions using nuclear energy to knock out the foundations in the bedrock underground

So who pulled it off? The original gang of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) were hell-bent on "remaking the Middle East" for the security of Israel, which involved invading 7 countries in 5 years. They didn't succeed with all of them until about now, 20 years later. The US was to be the military muscle, as their motives were to take over the oil in the region to prevent others from benefitting. An original strategy was called "Strategy for a New Defence of the Realm", written by the PNAC signers. Victoria Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, William Crystal of the National Review, Richard Pearle ...

Sorry this is so long. I got carried away. Great job on your post though. I enjoyed it bigly.

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Great dig!

And now our newly minted 35T debt - it's all lies. Can you imagine of all the dark globalist money was rolled up, the blackmail stopped, assets seized and the swamp drained where we'd be? A girl can dream.

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The rescue operation must augment the organic awakening as the malfeasance of cv19 unfolds. The evil must be seen. The system of systems must be front and centre.

If all was righted NOW, most would miss the disaster that was all around them.

Atlas Shrugged, THEIR systemic failure must be achieved for all to see, then the builders will return.

You have a higher perspective than most, use it to apply scrutiny and test the SCHOOLED DAZE ‘facts’ against your knowing.


Oxygen is a manufactured gas made from air. Not a constituent of air. Oxygen is a very dry air. It is calibrated by its dryness. Medical oxygen has 67 part per million of water contamination. Industrial oxygen has 0.5ppm of water contamination.

Now let’s review the idea of photosynthesis

Where is a green plants compressor and drier to produce oxygen gas? Mmm

If trees made oxygen, they would explode with fires. They wouldn’t char. Oxygen is a fire augmenter.

Trees and plants are like us. They live in air and require moisture. They respire air not oxygen. Just as we do.

Read my article

We breathe air not oxygen

It’s a journey up a mountain that at the top (a vantage point for scrutiny) reveals the multitude of ranges (LIES) going off in all directions.

Then we start to reclaim our heritage: health is our wealth.


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You forgot about Mossad and Israel.

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Did you watch this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxZmZNVFijE "Seal Team 6 Survivor Aaron Vaughn and the Real Truth, when they took down bin"

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Thank you Pepe. I’m not on the twatter but have shared to tumblr.

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