Ask a modern Christian how much they know about the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and if they understand that Christ predicted it would happen over thirty years before and you will likely be met with some level of ignorance. It may seem like a footnote in the history of the world to us today, but to the Jewish people at the time, this was essentially the end of the world: An apocalypse.
But what does the word apocalypse actually describe? The original word means ‘unveiling’ and this is exactly what occurred. When the Apostle John wrote down his Book of Revelation, he told us exactly what it was. An apocalypse or unveiling of Jesus Christ.
I realize now that Christ came back in a way they did not expect at the time. He came with a sword through the Roman legions and destroyed the city that had crucified and rejected him. The city that had stoned to death nearly every prophet that God sent to her. A finality came. The temple that stood as a wonder for the world, a sign that God was with them, was utterly crushed. Christianity, under intense persecution on all sides, would flourish and spread across the world.
I have marinated on this topic, read multiple books, watched many videos, and done my own research, and feel relatively confident about my findings. The themes in the New Testament and Revelation all speak to the collapse of an era, the end of the sacrificial temple age, and the beginning of a new one: All people can come to God and receive the indwelling of the Spirit. They become the temple.
This dig will include the beginning of the end of this era. Starting with the infamous Roman Emperor Nero, going into the surrounding politics of the day, the Christian persecution, the war and chaos predicted by Jesus Christ, the fall of the sacred temple, and my renewed view of the the end times and the book of Revelation.
The build-up to this fateful event would take some time, a lot of chaos, and great pain beforehand. Roman Emperor Nero ascended to power with corpses in his wake. At first, he was extremely popular with the people. But inwardly, he was a devil. That grip on his sanity started to fade swiftly once a massive fire took place in the city of Rome. What people didn’t realize until later was that Nero was implementing a strategy: Burn it down so you can reform the land in your image. He was caught in this lie for one reason, he had an intricate city plan already devised right after the devastating inferno. The timeframe for this simply did not add up. People became automatically suspicious and started suggesting it was he who started the fire so he could create what he desired from the ashes. To make matters worse, he wanted to rename the city after his own image.
This infuriated the people so Nero looked for a scapegoat and found one: Blame the Christians. What would they do to stop him?
Now we see one of the main reasons why the apostle John considered him to be an anti-Christ. In fact, some say that the word Nero has ties to the number 666.
Regardless, Nero began a brutal systematic torturing and execution of the brave Christian believers. He threw them into lion’s dens. He tore them to shreds. It was merciless and vicious.
To make matters worse, he was actually a proven pedophile. He castrated a boy and began to parade him around as a “wife” figure for himself, often fondling him in public. This was after he likely assassinated his own wife. This guy was wild.
This was part of a ritual called the “puer delicati” where boys were groomed for sexual purposes. So he was torturing and killing Christians, blaming them for fires, and then sexually deviant with boys.
It was around this time that Peter the apostle was on a road when tradition says he heard the voice of Christ beckoning him to return to the city and die for the Lord. Tradition states that Peter accepted his fate and told the Romans to crucify him upside down because he was not worthy to be killed in the same way as Christ.
Paul is said to have died around this time as well. Major influences in the church, the original Apostles, were all suffering brutal deaths. They were like seeds planted within the earth that would sprout what we see today: Christianity blooming all around the world.
Being in the modern day, we don’t tend to understand the mindset of the people living at that time. They thought this was the end of the world as they knew it. This was their perceived apocalypse. Tacitus said as much in his writing.
Think about the chaos that was unfolding.
Nero was eventually turned on and hunted down like a dog.
The story goes that he shoved a knife into his throat and claimed that history had lost a great actor in his final breath. Where are the movies about this time period because I must have missed them. This is pure box office.
Now think about when the book of Revelation was written. Some scholars suggest that it was written around this exact time, right before the fall of Jerusalem. I believe that this is the case. Now John the Apostle has witnessed many of his close friends and companions crucified, stoned to death, or otherwise brutally murdered. Traditions states that they attempted to kill John by throwing him in scalding water. But to everyone’s surprise, this this inexplicably fails. It’s a miracle. He was then banished on the island of Patmos.
There he is on this island, I’m sure praying and meditating on Christ in his old age and he has a revelation about Jesus Christ, shining in all of His glory.
It was soon to all come crashing down. The temple that was once the shining jewel of the Jewish nation would be crushed to rubble and never seen again.
The end of an age.
The Romans had gone on a campaign to destroy the uprisings where Christ had once walked the earth. It is said that the Sea of Galilee was filled with dead bodies floating in the water. A place where Christ had once walked on water was the scene of a horrific battle. They Roman war machine systematically quelled Jewish resistance across the lands.
The only reason that this campaign was temporarily halted was because once Nero had perished, the Roman Empire descended into chaos. People were assassinating each other left and right. The history of Rome at this time makes Game of Thrones look like child’s play. Imagine if multiple assassinations occurred in America back to back. There would be talk of the end of all things.
The eventual emperor who would rise from all this rubble told his son to enter Jerusalem and finish what he started.
Vespasian told Titus to put an end to zealot control of Jerusalem.
These were military-minded people.
I just want to repeat this: People believed that this was the end of the world.
The Romans came to the doorstep of that once great city and they found a place divided against itself. A civil war was embedded within Jerusalem. One side was adherent to the more radical teachings of the Zealots who longed for physical violence and freedom from the oppressive Rome while the other wanted to work beside Rome in a more moderate way. The Zealots controlled the temple.
This was a huge city, mind you. Conquering this place was no easy task. But they were divided from within. Didn’t Christ once say a house divided against itself cannot stand? It was likened to this.
But the Romans had professional soldiers. I’m sure the zealots thought to themselves, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who delivered us will do so again. They attempted to become their own messiah, in a sense. What they didn’t understand was that Christ was coming back but with a sword. I now understand that Christ was using these Roman legions to destroy the temple and put an end to this age. I am not saying that Christ will not return in glory at a future date but I now see so much clearer that God was gathering up a storm against that city. It was a flood moment for the Jewish people and the city that stoned and killed the prophets was to be decimated. Jerusalem was a harlot who refused to be faithful to God. She subsequently murdered God’s only son. They never accepted the truth and an angel of death had come. But this time there was no one to put blood on their doors to prevent death from entering in.
Only the Christians who heeded Jesus’ warning would find deliverance.
The Fall of Jerusalem has more intrigue, violence, and drama than any Hollywood movie you can muster. What I find so fascinating about the topic is that Jesus Christ predicted the event occurring decades before it happened down to a T.
Christ had ended the need for sacrifice for one’s sins as He offered up His life as the ultimate covering for the world yet many of the Jews of that day rejected this.
Luke 17:20
If you were a Christian, you almost certainly heeded Christ’s words: If you see the city surrounded, flee.
Luke chapter 21 plainly tells us this. Jesus even tells them to their faces ‘this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.’ It’s hard to misinterpret what He is saying here in my estimation.
The zealots had a passion for uprising against Rome. They believed that it was God’s protection over them that would ultimately supersede the foreign rule of the empire. This was not correct, however, as they had rejected God’s true plan.
The temple served as their beacon. A place they could point and claim, “See, God is with us.” But John the Baptist said it himself, God could cause the rocks to cry out and become His people if they did not repent.
So when Rome went through a time of chaos in 69 AD the zealots seized the opportunity.
Roman Emperor Galba: Murdered by Praetorian Guard January 69 AD.
Roman Emperor Otho: Commits suicide after losing a crucial battle to a rival in April 69 AD.
Roman Emperor Vitellius: Killed December 20th, 69 AD.
Roman Emperor Vespasian: Becomes undisputed Emperor December 21st, 69 AD.
Again, where are the movies about this era of time because this would be wild to watch in the theater?
After all of this, Vespasian needed to make an example of anyone who challenged his authority as I’m sure you can imagine. So he sent his son, Titus, to quell the continued Jewish rebellion in Jerusalem.
Here is where it gets spicy: They surrounded the city, just as Christ predicted.
Mattew 24:15-20
The Zealots initially defended the city valiantly in a way that gave them great confidence that they could repel the attackers. This gave them a sense of pride. Maybe they really could defeat this Roman horde. But they say, pride comes before the fall and an inevitability was still marching forward.
A man named Josephus began to meticulously document everything that was happening. Josephus is an interesting story. He was active in fighting the Roman Empire but was captured. He planned on committing suicide but had a dream which implored him not to do so. A simple dream in the night changed the trajectory of his life.
He would subsequently go on to become an extremely important historian who would help confirm the historical existence of Jesus Christ and write an incredibly detailed account of the fall of Jerusalem.
In his dream, he was told:
“O Josephus! Leave off to afflict thy soul; and put away all fear. For what now grieves thee, will render thee very considerable; and in all respects most happy.”
This gave him enough motivation to stay alive and he ended up becoming an incredibly important historian who would document the literal end of an age.
Excerpt from Josephus's book of the war where he explains the ill grounded hope for long term victory stemming from an initial victory:
Titus was not giving up, however, and decided for something a lot more drastic. He would build a wall that completely shrouded the city. It was as some would say, yuge.
This was Christ’s warning manifested.
When you see the city surrounded by a foreign army, pregnant women and their children should flee.
The Roman army surrounded the city and actually built a wall that completely cut off all supplies. They could not sneak in supplies by cover of night and this proved to be devastating for the city. Imagine the level of starvation that began to occur.
But it gets even more interesting: Passover was happening around this exact time. And pilgrims wanted to enter the city to observe their ancient feast day.
Titus, being the tactician he was, allowed all these people to enter the city as he was surrounding it. He knew this would bring about further stress upon their resources. The people entering the city had no idea that they were walking into their doom.
The irony is not lost on me that those people would likely never leave the city again alive. What they thought was a celebration of God delivering the Jews in days past, turned out to be a trap for anyone who refused to hear God’s voice through Christ. It was a new type of passover occurring right before their very eyes.
So, the city was surrounded and there was no food coming in. This predictably brought about starvation. People began to resort to cannibalism and other heinous actions to stay alive. It was a gruesome situation. People were eating their children. It was horrendous. And anyone who desperately went outside the walls to search for food were crucified outside the city by the Roman horde.
Josephus writes:
The city that once had crucified the son of God, was now systematically becoming brutally desolate, its citizens nailed to crosses.
The attackers slowly made their way through the city. Despite the conditions, the zealots believed in God’s protection and fought valiantly.
The city had multiple layers of walls and sections that made it incredibly difficult to overcome. These walls were thick and resolute.
Roman armies built siege weapons but were shocked when they found that the Jewish armies had created a tunnel system below them and detonated explosives below their weapons of war. Their engineering marvels of war were destroyed from beneath them in collapse.
They had underestimated their resiliency but it was all for naught.
It took months of warfare before the Romans found themselves at the foot of the temple where Jesus was once mocked, beaten, and spit on.
War is hell. And anyone inside of those walls paid the price.
Finally, they had made it to the temple, their proof that God was with them, and the unthinkable occurred. A fire was set ablaze. The once glorious temple of God burned to the ground. Not a stone was kept unturned just as Christ foretold.
Fitting given Christ’s assertion that we were now the temple of God, as the Holy Spirit resides within us. We did not need temples for sacrifice any longer. That age disappeared in a chaotic mess.
Josephus wrote:
“There was no pity for age, no regard for rank; little children and old men, laymen and priests alike were butchered. The cries from the hill were answered from the crowded streets, and now many who were wasted with hunger and beyond speech found strength to moan and wail when they saw the sanctuary in flames.”
They clung to their old ways and died along with them. Then, this foreign Roman general, went into the Holy of Holies and performed a pagan ritual, a sacrifice to a Roman god.
In other words, The desolation of abomination.
To add insult to injury, he used a pig, the most unholy of animals according to Jewish traditions.
The ritual Titus used was called the suovetaurilia. It is a sacrifice of a pig, a sheep, and a bull to the god of Mars in order to “purify the land.”
This was a tremendous offense to Jews and must have been devastating to witness for the starving inhabitants.
He likely did this to send a message after months of horrifying battle, your god is not saving you now. It was a demoralization tactic and it worked.
Roman god of Mars
The Fall of the Temple
The era of temples had fallen and a new day had begun. Christ said it succinctly when he said, He would have gathered in Jerusalem but they refused.
Matthew 23:37-39
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling! Look, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you that you will not see Me again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Not many Christians I talk to seem to know much about what happened after Christ’s death when it comes to Rome and Jerusalem. They think of the Book of Revelation as purely futuristic for our time but this is simply not the case. Many scholars have debated when the Book of Revelation was actually written. Some say it happened after 70 AD whereas others claim that it occurred at around 68 AD. The more I research the topic, the more I have come to believe this was written BEFORE the fall of Jerusalem. When you actually study the history of that century, you see absolute chaos unfolding just as Christ, John, and the Apostles had prophesied.
For instance, Nero, the Roman emperor, had become mad and burned down cities. His name actually means 666 when you translate it. This could have been a hidden message by John, claiming that Nero was one said “Anti-Christ” who persecuted and put to death Christians en masse. When Nero was finished, then came the year of the five emperors and the subsequent destruction of the temple, and the fall of all that the Jewish people held dear. It was literally the end of an age. What was once restricted to just one people group, enlarged like yeast forming bread, and the gospel spread throughout the world. The time of sacrifice was put to a bloody end. The temple of God was now within you, not a place you could visit. You were part of heaven on earth. The idea of constructing another future temple is asinine as God put a definitive period and gave finality to that era. Attempting to bring about the kingdom of God via violence and physical warfare was simply an archaic relic of the past. Christ showed us the way: You must lay down your life for God and humble yourself. Those who are humble will become the greatest. It is not through might in battle but through the Spirit of God. The zealots completely misunderstood and missed the boat. They could not see the new thing that was coming.
The Nephilim wrought down hell upon the people of the world through force and coercion. This was a great sin so much so that God had to wipe it all clean with the flood and begin anew. If you haven’t read my Nephilim thread, I highly recommend giving it a read:
But the Nephilim used force to get what they wanted. This is akin to Peter when Judas betrayed Christ in the garden. Peter pulls out a sword and slices a soldier’s ear off. He is ready to go to war to stop this. But what does Jesus tell him? He tells him that those who live by the sword will die by it. Peter does not understand what is happening. How often do we just get confused in our own walks with God? We assume He is doing things one way, when, in retrospect, He was performing a miracle another completely different way.
The zealots sought power through physical force. They truly believed that the nation of Israel would rule the world with the Messiah at the helm. They had no concept, no grid for the fact that the true Messiah planned on letting himself be killed for the sins of the earth and wanted all nations at His side rather than one. It was inconceivable. Only those uneducated “fools for God,” like Peter and the fisherman allowed God to do a work in them so they could finally be taught the truth and accept it.
Think about the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19 and the way the modern church has wanted us to think about it. You're literally getting a zealot interpretation of it and being told that if you think differently, you're a fool or a heretic.
Why would Christ need to physically assault a harlot?
Isn’t that the exact interpretation that Judas and his cohorts likely had in mind?
Wouldn’t much of Revelation make WAY more sense if it was about two things: The fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the overall spiritual war that would take place over thousands of years? It uses symbolism and allegory to paint a picture for people to see clearly. Didn’t Christ himself use parables and allegories to deliver His messages?
Think about a verse like Ephesians 2:21 for a second. Paul tells us that we are a dwelling, a NEW JERUSALEM. The old idea of having one nation dominate the world through a Messiah is simply outdated. Christ said that anyone who did the will of His Father was His family/the people of God. It was no longer about your family heritage but your faith in the most High God.
“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him, the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in hi,m you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”
Revelation Chapter 18: The fall of Babylon occurs in one swift hour. It is akin to something like the eye of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. The tower collapsed never to be seen again. A glorious moment in history. I cannot say I know how everything will go down, even Christ told us that only His Father knew when He would return. But I can confidently say that Babylon is falling and we are to play a part in it.
I have seen the fruit of escapist theology. Escapism only seems to generate a lack of vision and a cowardly point of view. What I am trying to say is that the one world-order cult almost certainly found it beneficial for Christians to believe that an “anti-Christ” would control the world and it would only get worse from there. It made Christian’s complacent.
Did you know that the word anti-Christ isn’t even mentioned in the Book of Revelation?
Think about it like this. What would make for a better story, one that displays the superiority of Christ? He returns to a spotless Bride, one that has partnered with Him in the spiritual realm to achieve tremendous victory across the world and brought about the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea....or the Illuminati cult essentially defeats the church despite the blood of Christ being sufficient for all victory yet He has to come back to a weak and diminished world at the throws of destruction? The cult already ruled the world. They already had a secret shadow one world government. It's obvious to me and anyone who has studied in-depth the real history of our time without attachment to the mainstream media.
The more I meditate on this topic, the further I have dug into it, the clearer these themes become.
The temple itself is mentioned so often in the New Testament.
Take Revelation 21:3 and think about it in the context of the fall of the temple and the emergence of the Holy Spirit: “Behold the tabernacle of God with men and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people and God himself with be with them and be their God.”
The Old Testament provided a template for what was to come. But it was merely a shadow of the glorious new that was coming. We have essentially become the ark of the covenant, in a very real sense. We are housing the presence of God within us. That is exactly what Christ told us. This confounded the Pharisees, the zealots, and essentially all but the humble at the time.
In many ways, I find myself wondering what new glorious realities are to come, given it seems as if we have only scratched the surface of God’s true plans.
It is said that no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. Really let that sink in. No one knows what God wants to do after all is said and done that is written. What could that possibly even be? It boggles the mind. Yet people tend to put on an act and pretend like they know exactly how everything will play out from beginning to end.
From my perspective, we still know very little about the beginning of creation and even the Genesis era given the Nephilim phenomenon is just one truth that the history books have tried to scrub out. What else have they been hiding from us?
My plea to all my readers is simple: Love the Bible, Love God fully, AND keep an open mind. They have lied to us about so many things and the indoctrination has run deep. Clearly, some church leaders have been compromised by money and power. To manipulate teaching to sway people towards a certain mindset is easy for them. We need to continue to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us in our day-to-day lives. I just don’t see the benefit of the end times only gets worse theology. And, from what I can tell, the cabal probably welcomes such a belief. I am not saying that they changed the Bible but rather they manipulated certain interpretations of God’s word.
When it comes to Zionism, my perspective has been shifted. I do not see a strong case for attaining land through physical violence. That was something that Christ literally rejected to their faces.
So why has that now changed? I do not condone any of the violence that has surrounded the area on either side. I do not want any politician to have handlers from any foreign country. I feel this should be relatively inoffensive. I am not claiming to know what God’s plan is for the state of Israel or any country in the Middle East, but I am saying I feel that the promises of Isaiah are about the end of war and the knowledge of the glory of God covering the earth. However that looks, is ultimately up to Him. But He wants to partner WITH US!
Read 1 Peter 2:6-9. This is synergistic completely with the fall of the temple. Look at it closely. Peter tells us that the chief cornerstone was Christ and that God was building a temple that superseded all.
Or think about Matthew 16:18. Christ told Peter that on this rock He would build His church after Peter confessed that He was the Messiah, the son of God. Another scathing indictment of the temple that bore little to no fruit. Christ went into that holy place and started tearing it all down and telling them they were broods of vipers. He told them he would raise the temple after three days. They could not understand it in the slightest but, in retrospect, the meaning of it all was clear as day. From a historical perspective, it seems as if many modern Christians don’t have a strong understanding of what happened in the first century. And I feel as if that was for a very specific reason. To understand what happened in that day, would be to reject much of the end times beliefs that have permeated the modern church.
To put it simply: An end times interpretation that has the enemy achieving near-complete victory before Christ comes and fixes it all in one moment is exactly what the cabal would have wanted. This promotes their continued power. It is as simple as that. And it’s become rather blatant to me and many others I talk to.
I have come to believe in what I would call a Victorious Eschatology and studying the Fall of Jerusalem extensively has only solidified the way I see it.
God has incredible and spectacular plans for the future. Plans overflowing with faith, hope, and love.
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I highly recommend watching this documentary if you want to get a physical vision of how the city was taken. A riveting watch.
Thank you for your obviously clear & thorough research. I used to believe the whole 'left behind' Scofield Bible interpretation of end times ~ but it doesn't even pass the smell test to anyone who digs & becomes enlightened to TRUTH. I've been to the 'room' where the apostle John received the revelation he wrote about on the island of Patmos (once as a child in 1968 and again in 2008). It's absolutely worth going and seeing the Orthodox Monastery & Church on that property. Thank you again ~
Blessings to you +
Thank you, Pepe! I’ve been sharing this perspective for decades. Great job laying it out. The implications of the thought shift this brings is profound.