Thank you for your obviously clear & thorough research. I used to believe the whole 'left behind' Scofield Bible interpretation of end times ~ but it doesn't even pass the smell test to anyone who digs & becomes enlightened to TRUTH. I've been to the 'room' where the apostle John received the revelation he wrote about on the island of Patmos (once as a child in 1968 and again in 2008). It's absolutely worth going and seeing the Orthodox Monastery & Church on that property. Thank you again ~

Blessings to you +

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Wow. That must been really cool to visit that room where John wrote Revelation. Do you have any pictures by chance? I totally agree that the Scofield Bible interpretation is a sham and it’s become extremely clear to me.

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I do! I attempted to upload but I can't find the little paperclip symbol to attach it.

In 1968, I was a child, my Dad and I crawled into the cave-like area that is now the room that you can walk through. We did that in 2008. It's way up high on a perch ~ John was exiled there for his preaching in Ephesus - (another INCREDIBLE ruin that was unearthed since 1968/ our first trip there). I'm an Orthodox Christian and we learn/ are taught much of what your article speaks of. Your work is impressive ~ esp in understanding what factors are at work right now/ today in Israel ~ no one spoke more about how WE Christians are God's Chosen people that Paul.....bc *we have not rejected him*. Yes, Revelation says that 12,000 Jews will be saved (& we don't know if that number is literal or symbolic), however today's Jews (who are not Messianic) are no different than the Pharisees of Christ's day......and their slaughter of innocent people in that region is unconscienable ~

If you show me how to upload pictures, I'd be happy to! 😊

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If you have a Telegram account or even a Truth Social you could try messaging me and sending some pictures, I'd love that. I think that's awesome you got to be there and see where he wrote it. Thanks for the comment and I totally agree.

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Per my promise, the pictures I spoke of I have posted as comments on your TRUTH SOCIAL article/ same as this one

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Thank you, Pepe! I’ve been sharing this perspective for decades. Great job laying it out. The implications of the thought shift this brings is profound.

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I don't think enough people realize how hard the psyop went into the church. A defeatist end times theology was extremely beneficial for the cabal. This is why they certainly pushed those interpretations. I realized it was a sham and it's time to shift our thinking.

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100% - it’s very odd that people seem to think modern evangelical thought & theology is somehow immune from infiltration. Truth is the principalities and powers have been attempting psyops since the beginning.

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And the evil one is exceptionally insidious.

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Thank you for this wonderful article, so confirming of the Victorious Eschatology that I’ve been believing for some time, yet with much more revelation about the Temple and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and all the Biblical references to it that now make so much more sense.

I was given a Schofield Bible back in 1980 (probably before you were born? ) when I became a new believer, a gift from the wonderful folks in my little church community. At the time, “The Late Great Planet Earth” was big, and believing in the Rapture was par for the course. Now we’re going through a huge transition, and nothing can stop what is coming.

It’s amazing to me how so many misperceptions of scripture are being upended, at the same time so many other false realities are being revealed to those of us who have eyes to see, and soon to many more all over the world. We are living in an amazing time, and I especially look forward with much hope to experiencing those wonderful things God has prepared for us, that no eye has seen nor we can ever conceive but by the power and love of God and the Holy Spirit that lives in us, His Temple. We’ve only just begun to understand the importance of what we possess! I believe God has made you a prophet for these times, PLM!

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Thank you so much. I believe that as long as we stay humble and open to the Spirit's leading, we can unlearn the bad that the enemy wanted us to latch onto and learn from God himself. We can't be like the pharisees and think we know everything there is to know about God. Appreciate you and thanks ro the input.

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I, as an independent thinker, have always had a gut-clench about the pre-trib rapture nonsense, especially, as considering so many scriptures have not been fulfilled, even Gen. 1. Subdue and Take Dominion. Since then, in my rabbit-hole excursions for Truth, the whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth, So help me God. I do see that Enoch belongs, so I offer up this worthy text, titled, "Reversing Hermon," by Dr. Michael S. Heiser. He lays out in a somewhat challenging way, why Enoch needs to be understood, and as you do, it changes the timing, location, etc. He leads into the Truth that the UNfulfilled mandate is to take the world for Christ. And for that to happen, pre-trib needs to be tossed. It is pure lunacy——to include something added only 200+ years ago and printed in new Bibles by Masons, and to leave out original thoughts and text in context, as believed, seen and spoken by Jesus and the Apostles. The inclusion of Enoch thus includes, dominion mandate, greater than these, completion of conquering all 7-mountains, former and latter day rains, Ezekiel's rains, the Glory of the Lord, Salt and Light, etc., and, and and and. Not the easiest reading but you will find wealth in it. Promise. It ties everything into cohesiveness.

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Peter and the Apostles took the book of Enoch seriously enough to quote it in their own letters. I think it has becoming increasingly more clear to me that our understanding of the “end times” has been severely limited and even blocked by faulty interpretations. Once you understand the fall of Jerusalem was an apocalypse, you start to realize the anti christ ideas and rapture escape mentality is a fraud.

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Thank you for that confirmation. I have tried to open blind eyes, but it is clear as a bell that the worthless and lazy servants and the virgins with no oil—speaks to today's complacent and complicit church. 501(C)3 to begin with, and Daniel's opening the windows and praying no matter what the deep state fallen ones told him to do.

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This is a great article based on sound research. Our greatest danger are talmudic jews. They not only have their sights on Gaza, Syria, Lebanon etc. They have the same plans for the entire world. We are nothing more than slaves and livestock to them.

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A third temple would be disastrous. I suspect it won't happen since Christ completely rejected the temple age already. 70 AD shows us this.

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I call it The Nineveh Effect. A city that was preached to for its evil but then repented and was saved from destruction- much to Jonah’s frustration considering what he went through to finally arrive and deliver the message of doom.

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Christians who heeded Christ's warning avoided being stuck in that city when the temptation came to enter during Passover.

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I don’t know what to think or say, this article has given me so much to think about !! As a person raised catholic, we didn’t talk about the rapture and the tribulation. I didn’t have any concept of the end times but a nebulous cloud. Fast forward to adult, I attend a nondenominational Christian church that is wonderful and basically emphasizes to follow Jesus teachings as a part of the body of Christ and trust Him. But, since I had a vacuum in my mind about the end times, I read the Left Behind series-twice-and that became my belief, it was all I had. This article and the historians writing (could not get thru all of it but understand the point) gives me a researched new perspective. I don’t know what to think of this but will need time to digest it all. Interesting fact-the bible app’s scripture for the day was “a house divided cannot stand” which you started this article with. God bless you!

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As far as I'm concerned, the Left Behind series was a psyop against the church. The people creating it may have had good intentions but I don't think it caused any real lasting good. I think it's imperative we keep an open mind and go with the Holy Spirit's leading. God bless, friend.

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Excellent essay with sorely needed teaching on a subject of acute importance. Thank you for blessing us all with it. You are so right about the drama of the Roman emperors of that period, and that entire movie franchises could be made based on those TRUE stories. Your mentioning of Nero did remind me of a great movie including him, and showing the persecution of Peter and the early believers in Christ. The movie is /Quo Vadis/. (Have you perhaps seen it? A Roman soldier becomes a convert, and Peter Ustinov does a fantastic portrayal of Nero.) Early in my Christian walk (mid 80's), I "happened" to catch it on late-night TV, and I am so glad that I did. It is definitely worth the watch - full of great references and quotable phrases. I think you will enjoy it!



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I'll have to check that out! Thank you!

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Yes, it is a good movie!🍿

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A most beautiful historical rendition of what really happened in Jerusalem in the final weeks of the fall of the Temple!

Thank you PLM, even i learned a few new things myself.

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Thank you!

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“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.”

‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.”

‭‭Daniel‬ ‭8‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Temple must be rebuilt for sacrifice to begin again.. Daniel Prophecies even in perilous times. (9:25)

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

‭‭Daniel‬ ‭9‬:‭27‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

~ Jesus Christ

By making the Word of God say what you want it to say is what Paul warned us about in Thessaly… “Let no man deceive you ..”

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It seems to me that the abomination of desolation prophesy was fulfilled when Titus sacrificed a pig in the holy of holies. That's how I perceive it.

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There’s one question that 70 AD folks always have a problem with… one detail of Revelation that’s always missed.. my favorite question and maybe you will be the first to answer 🤷‍♂️

What were the Names of the Two Witnesses that JESUS gives power in Revelation 11?

Also where are the signs of their total torment on this vile earth? Those Two are gonna turn this world upside down 🤣😂🙏

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Also the Two Golden Pipes of Zechariahs Prophecy in Zechariah 4:12.. We are all called by Name, Isaiah 43:1... So what were their Names? Huge question.. and don't forget to remember Revelation 22:18-19

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I was thinking about those giants just last night... after reading this I feel like we are at THE precipice like never before of so many things coming together... thanks.

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I suspect we will eventually learn much more about the Genesis time period and other mysteries as time goes along. Looking forward to it.

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Pepe - could you summarize in your own words what the watchers are? Catholics don’t talk about that either, and I was raised to believe that was either untrue or even heresy.

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Peter quoted from the book of Enoch in the actual Bible. Watchers were the original angels that came down and first slept with earthly women, creating the nephilim. According to Enoch, they were bound in chains and locked up for their sin. I believe this is what happened.

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😊 thank you!

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Am I the only one not seeing the link for the documentary?

Well written PLM!

I’ve been researching much of the same. You are not alone, brother. It’s like something hidden is being uncovered again ;). And it’s being seen by many people across the world, all at once. A beautiful thing.

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Love that. Thank you, friend.

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I'm 70 yo & helped start a fundamental Bible believing church bldg in 1979. Brought up to believe in "The Rapture". After following Q & Melissa Redpill the world for over 7 yrs, I am finally free to think on my own and believe that the " sign of the woman in labor"/ "sign of the Son of man" was seen in the Heavens back in Sept of 2017. Following Revelations chapter 2....I now see with the help of the Holy Spirit that some supernatural point of time will usher in the "end" for evil (however that looks) and 1000 yrs reign of Jesus & His people ruling on Earth ("your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN " Would love to hear your expounding on her book End Times and 1000 years of Peace?

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I haven't read her book but I suspect the promises of Isaiah are coming and to start to believe and participate with God, bringing heaven on earth just as Jesus told us to pray.

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I agree that no one can predict what amazing thing God will do next! The scriptures are fulfilled over and over again in many different ways so I am sure there is more future fulfillment to be seen before the glorious end. Right now I am going through a long study on Revelation by Steven Armstrong (d. 2020) of Verse by Verse ministries. I highly recommend. Though it’s not perfect, there is much meat to chew on and it has helped me to understand where the teaching of the pre-trib rapture comes from.

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Fantastic writing and analysis! Thank you for teaching and clarifying that first century after Christ and how Revelations pertains to it as well as this era! You are connecting many dots for me, Pepe! Keep it up! The world needs truth and clarity that is God centered.🙏🏻🇺🇸❣️

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Thank you!

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