Pepe. I pray to free up enough funds to subscribe after the holidays as you have clearly spent a huge amount of time and effort to make this case; what a wonderful job! When I got my copy of the Warren Report in my 20s and read it, I had so many questions about the nonsensical conclusions and I just questioned everything then, but wasn’t awake. There is not a single conclusion you’ve drawn from the evidence that I don’t wholeheartedly concur with!! As you’ve stated throughout, one would have to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to NOT reach the same conclusions.

I have spent years reading ‘fictional’ novels about CIA operatives and actions that are actually NOT fiction, as the ‘events’ eventually become reality. Many of the novels are written by people who have intelligence backgrounds. That is not a coincidence, in my opinion. I have never been a fan of the Simpson’s but have to concur that the entire effort was predictive programming.

Bottom line: nothing in my lifetime (and for several generations previously) has been accidental....all planned with the cabal’s long term depopulation agenda as the goal.....everything we can see has been infiltrated, created, manipulated or destroyed in furtherance of that goal. The banking system has been the primary way to control the population.

The internet will be their downfall although the cabal planned it to speed up the timeline. They did not consider that it would be used by a frog army to reveal the entire system via the hidden maze of connections! This army will go down as the saviors in history!!

God bless each and every one!🙏🙏

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Thank you so fren! It means a lot! Appreciate you! I totally agree. I truly believe they ascertained a level of control that changed the course of American history with JFK's death. There was struggles battles in between but imagine if he had accomplished what he set out to do. Regardless, God has a plan and wins!

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God Bless you, ALtab ❤️🙏

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I am always reminded of how JFK answered a reporter who posed the question when he was running for President: "Why, Senator Kennedy, at your young age do you consider yourself to be qualified to serve as the President of the greatest and most powerful nation on Earth?"

JFK: "Some see things as the are, and ask: Why? I see things as they could be, and ask: Why not?"

Tells you a lot about the man. I believe he would be pleased that his untimely death has proved to be the catalyst of the operation that will, in our time, take [them] down.

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I remember that statement well. My family avidly followed politics and we watched everything shown at the time. We had no idea what he turned out to be the catalyst for. I still remember how much of the country concerned about his Catholicism; God gifts, prepares and uses so many for this war. I wish we could see this all clearly as there are many we must be thankful for.🙏🙏

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As it plays out, there will be more clarity. Slowly at first, then suddenly.

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what an incredible sub stack Pepe! Wow, thanks for putting it together!

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Several great books i can recommend which add to this article are “Double Cross”, “JFK and the Unspeakable” and “Interview with history; the JFK Assassination. All my research can testify to the contents of Pepe’s report.

Does anyone still believe the USA is a sovereign nation?

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Thank you for reading and the support. There's an enormous amount of research done on this topic. It's one of the most blatant conspiracy's ever committed in the public eye.

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I read somewhere that over 1,000 books had been written about the JFK murder.

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Purely by accident I read _Another Nineteen - Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects_ right after reading _JFK and the Unspeakable_. It was one of those "holy shit!" moments to realize that name after name from the JFK book also appears in the 9/11 book. It was the same crew, 38 years later. They were young, eager foot soldiers for the Deep State in 1963, and senior managers in a variety of important positions in 2001. The inescapable lesson is that if we had properly investigated and prosecuted JFK's murder, 9/11 would never have happened.

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The Inheritance.

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That was a great dig....Thank you Pepe. It is so sad that all of this has come out and it's business as usual. Can't wait for God to move His hand. We will win but God has to do it. It is so much bigger then we can imagine. Didn't know how evil the world was.

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It truly is as corrupt as it gets. But God wins!

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Another issue worth following up is the intra-office dispute between RFK as AG and J Edgar Hoover as his FBI Director. Director Hoover allowed wholesale labor racketeering to take place, as long as the corrupt union officials he shielded, supplied regular reports on Communist Party members working in unionized jobs.

RFK saw this policy as a problem. Mafiosi could do the country a lot of damage by operating a parallel government. Hoover saw it as an essential tool for intelligence collection.

Where this gets interesting is that the FBI used Oswald as a Confidential Human Source before and after his sojourn in Minsk. The pristine Magic Bullet was proven by ballistics tests to be the weapon recovered from the Texas Book Depository. However, a group of expert marksmen attempting on a firing range to duplicate the shots, needed a can of penetrating oil and a hammer to open the weapon and put bullets in it. The rifle was a bolt-action rifle. Once loaded, the bolt had to be pulled again to eject the empty casing and slide another bullet into the chamber. With the bolt apparently rusted shut, it would have been impossible for the weapon to fire a second shot.

So the role of Jack Ruby cannot be ignored. If Texas v Oswald had gone forward in the courts, even a lousy lawyer would have gotten Oswald acquitted. At which point Oswald's relationship to Hoover's FBI would have come under serious scrutiny, possibly costing Hoover his job and enabling RFK to replace him with someone who agreed with him on matters of policy. Dead, Oswald raised none of these defenses.

Hoover had an intriguing connection to Argentina. During the Truman Administration, J Edgar Hoover sent an FBI forensics team to Argentina, under cover, who in a report declassified in the final month of the Obama Administration, demonstrated that Hitler's Berlin suicide was a Nazi hoax, aided by the real suicide of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels who killed himself in the same tub that supposedly was used to cremate Hitler. Hoover's team positively identified a man living in a mansion on an estate in the Andes foothills, as Adolf Hitler, from hair and fingerprint evidence. The Peron regime in Argentina had clearly let him into the country, and Hoover's FBI assembled a contingency plan to arrest Hitler and bring him to the US for trial, should he ever travel outside Argentina.

Also among the findings was a radiation-shielded building with openings for control rods, that was apparently a nuclear reactor producing plutonium. In 1954 the CIA appears to have coordinated an Argentine military coup that overthrew Juan Peron, and Hitler fled by car across the mountains into Chile, where he stayed until he died.

What became of the nuclear reactor?

The Nazi nuclear program was based on theoretical work done at MIT before the war, on using heavy water as a neutron moderator. The Nazis captured a large hydroelectric dam and electrochemical plant by invading Norway and made heavy water there on an industrial scale. Some caves in Austria carved by Holocaust slave labor apparently housed the Nazis' first nuclear reactor...the Austrian government denies access to the caves because they are highly radioactive.

Apparently these nuclear weapons efforts were continued in Argentina until the CIA coup.

So where did the reactor parts end up? Canada and Israel may both have gotten something from the CIA operation. Long before Eisenhower sent Israel a conventional light water reactor and electric power plant, the remnants of Hitler's operations in Argentina were sent...somewhere. Canada launched an ambitious reactor plant that used heavy water, and devised a remarkable way to make heavy water from natural gas. Israel lacked these capabilities but had a resource Canada lacked: the Negev Desert was a place where radioactive material would not cause any harm to life forms because nothing lived there.

So when we speak of JFKs bluster at Israel and the CIA, we need to contrast that with his actions.

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Very interesting comment. I hadn't considered the Hitler connection with the nuclear supplies sent from Argentina to Israel as JFK was eliminated. This seems like another thread worth following. Has someone done a dig on this you can send me a link to?

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Dr Travis Taylor did a couple of documentary pieces about it on The History Channel. He and some amateur spelunkers illegally entered one of the Austrian caves and immediately fled because of the high levels of radiation down there. It's likely that after months of begging for gasoline, Eisenhower gave Patton all the fuel he wanted one day, and his tank column rolled to Prague, because on that particular day some sort of nuclear test was being run. Isolating the Nazis in the cave, with no way back, likely led them to Plan B: Get what can be salvaged to Argentina by slipping out through Italy. Have a look at Dr Travis Taylot's filmography for clues were he may be watched

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Keep in mind that Hoover had every president blackmailed - that's how he kept his job for all those years. His usual tactic was to show the president pictures of him with a girlfriend, and say, "I don't want this to get out, do you?", or something to that effect. The story I heard was that Hoover was really offed by Nixon, after Hoover attempted to blackmail Nixon over Watergate or something else. But, we will never know the whole story on that, either.

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I often wonder what Hoover had on them all. He really WAS the beginning of the Deep State. The Fed was just a banking cartel before Hoover got jurisdiction of bank robbery and bank fraud. The CIA originated as the OSS in the late 1930s...they were newcomers so they're easily picked on.

Where I differ with author Pepe is on his nuclear war concept. Complete destruction of the Communisr bloc and 160 million dead, would have ended the need for a military-industrial complex. Defeat had to be snatched from the jaws of victory or their budgets would have been severely reduced. This was why Trump's Abraham Accords had to be derailed and Iran given back their access to SWIFT for selling oil to countries other than China. This despite Iran crawling into bed with Putin and arming Russia against Ukraine...the Biden Administration are ignoring it because without an enemy, there are no weapons sales.

The interpretation I'm working from is that the Soviets briefly operated a mine in Katanga, during the 1960s Congolese breakup, immediately after a UN invasion overthrew an elected government in Katanga and installed Soviet ally Patrice Lumumba as dictator. Russian mining engineers stripped the high-value layer of pitchblende out of the mine, abandoning a much larger reserve of carnotite ore to the Congolese. After LBJ was in power in 1964, Colonel Mobutu held a coup, overthrew Lumumba, carved off a piece of Congolese territory exactly matching an oilfield beneath it, and gave it to Portuguese Angola who sold the oil rights to Gulf Oil Corp. Mobutu kept the carnotite, copper, and gold mines of Katanga and died a very rich man...after his death an army sprung up in neighboring Rwanda that held a genocide, then marched west into the Congo and took what was there to steal. How all of this played out was rather odd, but it appears that the Soviet play in Katanga built them enough warheads to try the Cuban missile venture.

Odder yet, Mafiosi had circumvented FDRs dollar devaluation by opening casinos in Cuba and hoarding gold there.

The prime reason mobsters participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion was to try to get their gold back. Did Castro trade the gold for nuclear missiles? If so, how was he paid when giving them back to Russia?

Curiously, Russia began making installment payments to Cuba, in Ukrainian potatoes. At one point any Cuban who wanted a pound of meat had to buy two pounds of Ukrainian potatoes!

This suggests the real game in play was rather complex.

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Unfortunately Kennedy’s voracious sexual appetite was his Achilles heel. He was both a sage international politics expert and a reckless teenage boy run amok. He reformed and made amends with Jackie during his last few months after their newborn son Patrick’s death. But he had to compromise politically due to all the information they had on his sexual antics. It would have all been exposed if taking place today.

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Interesting. Have you seen the book about Hitler, Tesla, and George Bush, "Veil of Invisibility." Interesting photos, including a photo of Hitler (?) in 1997 on p. 48. http://www.human-resonance.org/Veil_of_Invisibility.pdf

Conveniently, his face is not shown.

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Pepe this is fantastic...I thought I knew a lot about this topic, but WOW you brought so much more! I'm going through it again later because there's a lot of gold to mine. You said something really powerful, and it's fundamental...They think we're stupid. Then and now. I know a lot of people who remember the details of that horrible day and the cover up that followed. It was a great wake up call for that era, but they only had the three major networks for news and like you said, no social media. They still knew something was amiss. I have no doubt the Wake up started on 11-22-63.

Great post Pepe! TY for the work you do.

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Thank you Lynn! JFK is such a powerful topic because he was someone most people agree was over the target, no matter which political side of the aisle one is. He is great place to start red pilling someone on.

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Totally agree Pepe. I'm sharing this now fren. Blessings!

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Well done,Sir! This is the most complete accounting so far. Thank you!

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Thank you!!

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Merry Christmas to you and yours PLM

I am so glad I found you.

I wish you all the happiness in the world for the new year.

All of us have a lot of work to do, a lot of us greatly appreciate the effort you make in discovery and sharing

God Help Us

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Merry Christmas to you, Patriot. Thank you for all the support. May God bless you in this next year.

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Pepe, what an outstanding piece of work. I'm amazed at your gift. My dad was active in Korea as a medic. He never talked about it much but I remember him saying once, that if all the jackasses that want war so badly went onto a battle field,they would change their mind. He never spoke much about Kennedys assination to me, I was a little kid. But he did not believe there was only one gun man. He was a smart man. Thanks for all you do and I will continue to support your work.

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Thank you for the support! JFK saw war himself and I think that proved to be a factor in his refusal to go along with their plans. He knew how ugly it truly was.

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A long but most excellent summary about JFK and his demise - coup.

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Thank you!

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I go to DC often to visit my daughter. Every single time I am drawn to Jack Kennedy’s sobering grave to honor his courage - the quality he most valued. He gave the “last full measure of devotion” to the cause we all hold so dear now… to break the back of the sinister cabal that seeks to control and own us. "Let every nation know; Whether it wishes us well or ill; That we shall pay any price, bear any burden; Meet any hardship, support any friend; Oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

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He truly was a martyr for world peace. RIP

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“He gave the “last full measure of devotion” to the cause we all hold so dear now…”

I welled up….

May God’s Grace shine upon our efforts to stay the course and win…this time We Will Win! ❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊🦅🌎

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I thought I was an armchair expert on the subject but learned much in your awesome report. At the root of all evil is the Banking Cartel that has existed for many centuries and their tools include MI6, Mossad and CIA. JFK did not know how deep the swamp truly was or maybe he did and was a brave martyr?

Thank you!

Godbless and Merry Christmas to you as well.

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I learned a lot myself when researching this topic. I hope to do many more digs in the future that are throughoughly dug into. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

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This is absolutely incredible.

The JFK Portal. Everything significant in our country from 1960 even to now passes through it one manner or another.

Thanks for this important work Fren. I'll be posting some relateble material in the comments if that's acceptable.

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Thank you!

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Great Out standing dig Pepe! It is so mind blowing! Being lied to all my life, know things just did not add up. Those two babies growing up with out their father. Smh! You with all your hard work have answered so many questions! Thank you Dear Pepe! God bless & Merry Christmas my Fren! It is a pleasure to support you! ♥️🙏🏻🥰

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Merry Christmas fren! Thank you so much for the support!

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It is to my benefit, you are welcome Fren! Merry Christmas to you n yours!

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Been digging on this since 1981. The TRUTH may never be known but the lies are well known.

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God Bless you, Pepe! ❤️🙏

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Thank you!

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Wow…Pepe this has to be your best work. I have always known evil exists in our world. My heart is heavy each time I process the deeds these (people?) are capable of. Such a Patriot and hero to Humanity…we can never thank JFK but let us share the truth to honor him!

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Thank you!

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