Jul 13, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I am not convinced this WASNT a disappearing act. The effect you describe was achieved, which seems like what the WH and Trump would want, but theyd never kill to get there, at least not someone like Abe.

I think he's in a WH relocation program. There was never enough blood at that scene, and the 2nd, only shot to hit him, hit his neck? And his white shirt is clean?

Cmon, man!

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Everything about the situation is strange. Including the connections I highlighted in the article. I feel that there is something else hidden behind this story but can't my finger on it. I'll keep an eye out.

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do you read Q) the storm rider, he had intel about this and said that deep state was planning something and it fell apart, someone found out, it makes more sense now that I read your research but their are still a lot of questions. Thank you 😘

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17 likes. Not going to change that, lol.

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I thought the same..maybe he is just pretending be dead? Optics are a big deal right now! We will know when we know🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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There are a few things that I find extremely odd. Let's look at the physics of this. He built, from steel pipe about 12" barrels, a homemade double barrel shotgun. Device looks to have an electric ignition mechanism as it would kost likely been impossible for him to obtain 12 gauge shotgun shells. Threaded caps at end and very smokey result at use indicate hand packed munitions in the homemade barrels. Again, only my observation and opinion. A sawed off shotgun of that length has two problems: 1. Pellet velocity drops significantly and 2. The spread of thr pellets is very, very large due to barrels not having a choke. There were people on either side and nearly directly behind Abe as he was on that stand. There is video of a body guard ( assumed) holding up what looks to be a bullet proof vest in the air. Now consider all of that and its apparent that the pellets from the blast would have scattered broadly. I would have guessed at least 4 other people would have been hit with the first blast. No one went down and no one even really reacted to first shot. Very odd. Pellet spread would have been feet to either side with unchoked homemade contraption like that. Second shot there was reaction but not running away.....literally standing there. How were all these people as well as the security guards in close proximity NOT hit by other pellets???? A miracle of physics was just witnessed. I think every physics law was just broken. Yes pellet velocity would have been greatly reduced, scatter would be random but things are NOT adding up nor logical here. People standing in front of Abe in crowd would have also sustained injury AND thr glass of the building front would have had impacts and breakage from blast. Would have been impacts all around and people i jured everywhere.

Now security: Abe was on the OPPOSITE side of the guardrail ON THE ROAD SIDE standing at the road edge giving speech. Complete opposite of what should have transpired based on fundamental security protocols 101. Simple, common sense says one would NEVER permit a person to be placed in this arrangement. This location could NEVER be secure unless road blocked off, armored vehicle parked directly behind him with door open and right and left flank guarded and blocked to keep anyone from approaching as did the assassin. He wouldn't have been placed on top of what looked to be a wooden crate, elevated, and accessible at street edge. He would have had the exact opposite happen....he would have been against the building, away from road, back to protected area, routes of escape to the right and left and twice the security detail. Makes ZERO sense what we witnessed. And of all the blasts, only one pellet struck Abe, in the upper left back, piercing his heart and he couldn't be revived. Heart stopping would explain lack of blood exiting his body and little to none on street, well somewhat. Lack of large quantities of blood was just odd.

Attacker: military, navy, doesn't want to use a bomb because of bystanders so he chooses a homemade shotgun (aka scatter gun), hand loads, and cannot control the blast radius.....simply a point ans shoot everything in a large radius. Yet no one else was hit or went down. No glass was broken, no one listening to the speech directly in front of Abe, was hit, no business windows were hit......again odd choice of weapon of he says he didn't want to hit bystanders. Sure, he could have charged the barrels with less pellets.....but in order to get a statistical hit you need more pellets not less. Remember this is an aim and shoot broadcast weapon.....not a controlled, choked shotgun with a much better, controlled pattern. Hit Abe once in upper left piercing his heart, meaning plenty of velocity to go through tissue, bone, muscle......and yet no one in the surrounding blast radius was shot, nada one glass wi down broken, not one pedestrian DIRECTLY in the blast path down...... statistically impossible. Anyone can replicate that, put cardboard figures in roughly the same spot, make that gun, fire it and there will be collateral damage, EVERY TIME. That is an uncontrollable weapon with uncontrolled spread of pellets, no sights, aim in general direction and operate. Crude and yet no one else shot.....interesting is all that I am saying.

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Wasn't a shotgun. Didn't have shotgun shells. Used slugs - homemade bullets. Semi accurate at short range. Point, shoot. 1st shot missed. People didn't know what was going on. Firearms illegal. That's why gun was homemade. Abe turned to investigate noise. 2nd shot clearly got him.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Wow...interesting connection! Nothing is random brother. I’m with you, something has to tie this all together.

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Thank you for reading!

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

There are no coincidences. God bless you. :)

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I already wrote an opinion, but hadn't subscribed yet, so everything I wrote is gone. I'll try and write something similar...

So....When I first saw the "Assassination" video's at three different angles, I couldn't help but note the obvious...Who gives a speech in the middle of a thoroughfare... no stage or backdrop to protect someone of this stature? So, I'm thinking... was this staged? ... and, why were they that stupid to put Abe at an absurdly dangerous situation and him go along with it, only for his security detail, who obviously stood down for this assassin to transpire on purpose? Maybe they wanted to protect him, so they staged his death to protect him from the CCP? Or, is he really dead and this goes down in history as the most ridiculous assassination ever. I'm guessing it was staged and he's is in a secure bunker somewhere.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Great post and research, Pepe! Proud of you for stepping out and making your dream a reality! God bless you and keep you. Nonni_1776

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Thank you so much !

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you for researching this.. I agree nothing is random.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Very strange combination things converging here. As far as I know the moonies have always been considered a cult. Why partner with a cult?? What advantage could potentially be gained???🤔

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But who is calling them a cult? MSM. They call anons a cult too.

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Good point.

But rev. Moon claimed to be the the 2nd Christ. So there’s that....

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Read history. Very detailed. Very clear a weird cult.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

This. I always had bad view of the moonies, seemed quite cultish, with their man-god.

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I personally believe the assassination was staged. I could be wrong. With Abes connections with Trump, then it very possibly could have been planned. Similar to the John McAfee situation. It's very coincidental that Satashi Nakamoto (the maker of Bitcoin) means Central Intelligence in Japanese and now the Japanese PM is "assassinated" The Deep State Swamp can't attack the ones that are doing the exposing, if they are already "dead"

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What a journey down that rabbit hole! Thank you fren for always sharing your heart, your thoughts and your knowledge!

Bless you Pepe!

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Very good read, thank you for doing the research!! I find it interesting that on Chinese social media before the assassination they were talking about Abe and completing the task.. was it because he was against Chinese aggression or was this all a deep fake to throw off the deep state and the shooter had a homemade flare gun with blanks.. not sure. But do find it interesting that there was chatter on Chinese social media about Abe hours before the incident..

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Definitely an onion worth peeling. I'd like to know more about the shooter. He was arrested - it will be interesting to follow what happens with him and what additional connections he might have.

Fantastic research and excellent probing questions!

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Good dig. I agree, these connections are easily made sense of. But the whole incident was very weird. As you said, the security that even allowed the shooter anywhere near him is wrong. Another commenter mentioned very little blood at the scene, also odd, since reports where that he was shot in the chest. The thing that stuck with me was why they didn't report his death right away. The reports just said he was shot. It took a while for them to even call it an assassination. The whole flow felt like a downplay. There is definitely much at play here. I'll be interested in seeing any further digs you do on this.

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General Patton account on Telegram- don’t know who he is and if he’s the real deal - but he showed close up pics of something in PM Abe’s inside suit pocket. Don’t know what it is unless it was a bag of fake blood, if that what’s General Payton was alluding to. He just said if you know you know. I screen shot the message from

Telegram but I don’t know how to put it on here.

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Thank you for that dig and the results! This definitely has me convinced there is more, and I pray Abe is alive and protected. 'Happy to be of support to you fren Pepe! Keep up the great work!

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Note that Prime Minister Abe specifically refers to the unified South Korea and Taiwan.

Short sentences are misleading

Unified Korea and Taiwan



Japan, USA, Taiwan, South Korea, etc ...

I don't say a word is unified

From Japanese

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