Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I remember something from God's Not Dead 2, When the test is given, the teacher is silent..... love and prayers to everyone...

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Sometimes He's helping us pass a test. Love that.

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Well said, Barbara.

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I call the test The Great Retest. It is somewhat mad to reflect the times.


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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Pepe... You've done it again fren. This is the 2nd time God has used you to speak LIFE to an issue I'm having.. This time with doubt. God has been silent with me for a while, and that is terrifying to be honest! Just this morning, I started to go through a list of things I could have done wrong to lead me into this wilderness. I believe God spoke through you today. He is GOOD! Thank you for your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and obedience to write these encouraging words down Pepe. Blessings to you!

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I figured some people could use this word. I'm glad it spoke to you. I feel that you almost certainly have done nothing wrong but He is using that silence to benefit you. God bless you.

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Beautiful! I don’t usually respond but wow did the Holy Spirit move you to write this and to move me to read it! You are a blessing!

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Amen Pepe. Thank you!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I agree Lynn. God must have read our minds and led us to Pepe at this moment.

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He sure did. I don't typically read the posts until later in the day, but God knew I needed it now. Blessings to you Jeffrey.

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Sometimes there is even more in heaven than usual going on and the heavenly Father's angels need assistance to come back to you. In the meantime how about an egg?


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You, Pepe are a blessing. You soften my heart and help me think with reason. You bring out the best in us. I love you!!! Thank you!

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Thank you fren!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you for your wisdom. We are told to be still and know that I am! Yes, being still and waiting, in peace, is one of the toughest things to do - especially when chaos is so close. He will calm the waves, we must believe He will (as He always has). He is faithful, of that we are sure.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you, I needed to hear this. Peace be with us

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Yes, and amen. 🙏🏼

I have been in a Wilderness of sorts in recent months. I believe I have been led there for many different reasons:

daily manna, teachings, rest, deliverance, assignment, restoration....RELATIONSHIP.

Thank you for your message(s), Pepe.


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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you for your wisdom and your words and truly walking in obedience of God to hear and speak His words of Truth! Bless you!

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Amen! Ty for this! I think we are feeling like this Fren🐸 Especially during this time! My devotional made same point this AM! Lol! GOD WORKS IN BEAUTIFUL WAYS! Love ya Pepe 🐸

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Appreciate you. Thank you!

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Let me tell you how I know that God is not silent. Earlier today, I was doing my rigorous morning walk and thinking about how much worse God needs this all to get. And I was wondering why? for what purpose? Do the good have to be taken out with the bad...more so than what's already happened? And then you literally ripped the thought out of my head. God spoke. He said "patience." Or as the annoying expression goes, "I got this."

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter


Many blessings to all our Frens!

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Definitely recommend the movie Silence and reading works by Saint John of the Cross.

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Very interesting movie. And I love saint John of the Cross. His writings on the dark night of the soul are very important.

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Awesome post brother, keep up the great work!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Of course you could absolutely be correct on that assessment. I only wish I had God's ear to ask him to explain his methods...

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If you listen carefully He will explain. Not that easy though to have the 'ears to hear'. In the meantime I did this for consideration.


And I have said to people that the pot is coming to the boil for the scum to rise to the surface and be skimmed off.

Don't forget the labour pains analogy too. No pain no gain.


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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

This is incredible fren. It makes me think of Mark 4.

Earlier in the day Jesus was teaching in parables, stating that only some would understand him - he mentions the mustard seed in this chapter. Then he took the crowd onto a boat. to cross to the other side.

A storm came and he was silent, because he was resting/sleeping. They awoke him asking him if he didn't care that they were perishing. He finally woke up and commanded the sea and the storm to be still. He asked them "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?

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So true. God often wants to take rest in that silence. That's where we really learn to trust. Where we learn something valuable.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Perhaps during these times of silence, He is showing us how much we need Him, how much we depend on Him, how much we trust Him, how much we love Him.

And how much we cannot do this without Him.

The Alpha and the Omega.

The Author and the Finisher of our faith.

The "I AM."

To concentrate of what we did right or wrong is to become like the Pharisees...the legalists. The ones who tried to use God's Own Words to try and trap Him. Legalism.

It is the way to working on our own in attempts to "earn" the Gift that has already been given.

Salvation through Jesus, not of our own works.

The enemy tries to guilt us into believing it was something we did/did not do, said/did not say, etc.

This couldn't be farther from the Truth of the matter.

God will go to the depths of hell to save us. He already has.

It's when we feel shame that we should pay attention because it is Him pointing out something that has saddened Him.

Let's bring this down to a smaller example:

As a child, when you did something that made your mom cry or your dad shake his head, you felt ashamed because you knew you had hurt them or disappointed them. The apologies come forth, hugs are given, and the whole affair is forgotten - except the memory - the learning experience if you will.

That's how our Father, who Art in Heaven, works. The forgiveness comes immediately and the whole thing is tossed into the depths of the sea. Full stop.

The enemy however, will use that memory to guilt you into thinking your mom or dad didn't truly forgive you, so you work extra hard doing extra things for their acceptance. A mute feat indeed.

We must always be on guard of the traps being set.

Just as we must ask for forgiveness daily, we all fall short of His Glory, every day.

And will until we are changed in that "blink of an eye."

Our Father KNOWS this.

He gave us His Son and His Perfection because He knows this.

In us "doing things," all we need to do is ask ourselves, "Would I do this if Jesus were standing right here?"

If the answer is "Yes" - carry forth.

If the answer is "No" - don't do it.

If the answer is silence - turn to the Word and prayer.

If the silence continues, He is asking you to wait on Him. To reflect - on Him.

Shun "Legalism" (your works and deeds) and constantly look up to His works and deeds.

For in essence, we are ALWAYS weak, and He is ALWAYS strong.

He knows the number of hairs on your head - He KNOWS your heart as well.

Psalms 27:14 - Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Much Love

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Love that. Great understanding.

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Thank you my dearest Pepe, but the credit goes to God. He is, after all, our Teacher.

Much Love

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Amazing message. Good to know others have experienced this too! You knew what I was thinking. What did I do? Thank you so much.

Learning about surrender and suffering. God is always good!

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Sometimes we are all going through similar things in God and it's nice to know we aren't alone.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you so much Pepe for this beautiful reminder. God never leaves us, ever. He may be quieter than we would hope but he never leaves us. I like to use a beach blanket analogy - we go to the beach, we lay down on our beach towel, then we leave the beach towel and go to play in the waves, we get tossed around, we drift, we lose track of time and where we started.. When it is time to come out of the water, we cannot locate our beach towel! We search for it, and finally when we see it, there is a sense of calm that comes over us. The beach towel, it never moved, we did. God bless you and your beautiful ministry.

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