A - M - E - N! 🙏 standing at ready cloaked in the full armor of God. Heavenly Father, please allow us to persevere and overcome the malicious evil that is crawling across your earth. Please sit at the head of our army and be our flashlight and guide us through the evil and darkness and into your light. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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Thanks so much.., been up since 5am... but I will not giveup Hope.. everytime I think about this cheating it makes me sick, but I say to myself “ Be still and know”. God moves in mysterious ways HIS wonders to perform.. He only needs one day. God Bless & Thank you again🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻

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Thank you. I really needed this message today; it's been a discouraging day (water leaks, personal issues, not only political issues). I would have quit this morning, had I been able to figure out what I would do if I did quit!

Instead, I will sharpen my sword and take up my shield and continue the fight. I appreciate the encouragement.

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Reminds me of Peter, "Lord, where else can we go?" As I have told many patriot believers, "This is our generation's Bastogne."

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Extremely encouraging, bro. Maranatha!

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Love this Fren. I posted something very similar on Truth yesterday. ❤️

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So beautiful and the timing of this message is perfect. Thank you for your relentless encouragement and let us encourage you at this time as well. WWG1WGA.

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Such an encouraging read, Thank you, so much. It falls in line with the prayers I’ve been lifting and the declarations God has planted in my Spirit. He is With us as well as In us, and nothing can separate us from Him. Praise and revere Him in all circumstances, and do not be distracted by the noise the enemy is making. The Lord inhabits the praises of His people; in the Presence of the Lord is the fullness of Joy, and the Joy of the Lord is our Strength…Praise Him in every circumstance and the circle continues 🙌💖💪 The Enemy Has Been Defeated - GOD Wins ❤️🇺🇸 NCSWIC 🇺🇸❤️

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thank you pepe...i needed to see this today. God bless us all.

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The battle within is as difficult as the battle without. Replace nagging thoughts with prayer and chatting with God. He loves to hear from us.

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Amen! Lord help us to keep focused on you and to walk by faith and not by sight. The ultimate victory is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord. ❤️

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Thank you so very much for these words. They came into my phone 17 mins after you posted at the exact moment when I needed to read them.

Sending love and hugs.

WW1WGA 💜🙏🏻

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Thank you for the encouragement. We are still in the war, still fighting, right now so much pain but we are not defeated and will continue forward. What else can we do? God wins.

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Thank you. Needed this more than you know.

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Powerful words brother! The timing, God’s timing is perfect! He restored my soul last night before bed & healed me.

“He healeth the broken in heart, And bindeth up their wounds.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭147‬:‭3‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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Absolutely! Amen!

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God called me back to him early on. I felt the overwhelming desire to be baptized again. My life has been literally saved and Spiritually saved.

At times I would be very depressed because I felt I wasn't doing enough, voice of the enemy. I now carry Jesus with me everywhere and cannot talk to someone without Him being in the conversation.

I have felt His strong right arm has not stopped moving. It is the anons that have become my family.

God has already won. We must be warriors. We all step out in faith, and that is not always comfortable. But there is always rest in Him when it becomes too much.

Thank you for keeping us up when we are down. May God bless you and your family always.✝️🇺🇸

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Beautiful. Thank you. ❤️🙏

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