We had relatives who were missionaries there. You have no idea how much damage Killery did. She not only failed to send the aide, many children disappeared as well

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Yes the children. What a coincidence Bill Clinton helped Laura Silsby get off the hook for getting caught at the DR border with Haitian "orphans". Turned out those kids were not orphans. They all are demonic pedo criminals, the whole lot of them.

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Note that Pepe ended his piece today with (a) Epstein and the children and then (b) promised a 'really big dig' coming up soon.

Wanna bet it's about the children? That is the one issue that will galvanize a lot of normies. All of this money changing hands and corrupt government agencies and 'religious' charities is abstract. Most people have no idea what the difference between a million, a billion and a trillion is, and corruption is just part of the landscape -- always been there and always will be.

But they care about the kids. That will be the issue that will bring [them] down.

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Absolutely! I have always said that too. That’s why they don’t want Kash heading the FBI. He and Senator Blackburn are going to release every disgusting debaucherous detail that went on with JE. All those swamp creatures are shaking in their boots. Because you are 100 percent correct when the normies hear what they did to CHILDREN. Game over.

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Whether you believe in God’s justice or karma, or whatever, I do believe I will see the Clinton family exposed for who they are in my lifetime. If they die off, their name will eventually be tarnished like it should be. Traitors and crooks. Good dig, Pepe! Like so many places it seems like poor management has kept Haiti from thriving. I hope and pray their people finally put someone I who can manage as well as Trump has for America.

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It was all there and my eyes were wide shut. What a difference Covid made.

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Amen to that - 2020 woke me up. And I cannot “unsee” any of it.

Praying for truth and for God’s justice to prevail.

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Let's see a lot more accountability!

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Yep, where are and when will there be that. Military Tribunals Ready??

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🤔 30k additional beds at GITMO? I suspect that they might not be for illegal aliens. How many unsealed indictments are there now? What have Sessions and Huber been doing for several years now? Investigations and grand juries come to mind.

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It's like waiting for a long lost person to finally get to your house. It's hard for the 'wait for it'. Guess we will see when we see.

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So does trials for treason, and crimes against humanity. Please ad weather modification technology brought to you all by the US military by incognito politicians during J.F.K.'s presidency. (Which is part of the reason he was eliminated. Enter L.B.J. & company) GOD BLESS AND PROTECT OUR NEW ADMINISTRATION!

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Just read - The Clintons, Laura Silsby, Haiti, Amber Alerts & Human Trafficking

Tim Brown / September 19, 2019. Smuggling Haitian children some of whom were not orphaned out of the country and the Clintons to the rescue? Hmmm. Don’t forget that is what USAID is funding.

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Let's sound off to get the whole department gone!

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And good old Bill, the Oxford rapist and sex majick practicing creep got Laura out of the country just like that. Never forget that Laura Silsby was in charge of the Amber Alert system using her married surname m. Feel sick yet?

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These people are sick

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Don't forget people suspect Paul Walker was "offed" in November 2013 day before he was to supposedly have a meeting with the Clinton Foundation over missing Haiti children. Supreme Court Justice Amy has adopted 2 children from there.

On Wiki:

The couple live in South Bend and have seven children, two of whom were adopted from Haiti, one in 2005 and one after the 2010 Haiti earthquake

It's absolutely heartbreaking what Killery has got away with if only the personal server where she deleted all emails, using foundation money for her daughter's wedding, and Bengazi were the only true crimes. We 1000% know those 3 things are true! But for the love of God and all things only do NOT walk through open doors of the capital building! 🙄🥴 I will say breaking windows to get in or resisting officers was flat stupid, but didn't meet the definition of an insurrection!

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She’s on the rampage today and I think she’s freaking out about USAID because she’s been thieving from us for decades and money is her drug of choice as are power and control

Excellent work on this piece. I think people get so overwhelmed by the fast moving news cycle that they don’t fully grasp the magnitude of all of the crimes committed globally and with our money.

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So many have been blind to to what has been happening for decades. I thank God more eyes are opening everyday to the corruption.

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You and me both fren! This is soooo good!

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Kevin Spacey seemed more than eager in his interview to absolve himself of being involved with young girls in the Jeffrey Epstein case. What about the young boys, Mr. Kevin? Also, it seems like the Clinton Foundation was happy to swoop in after tragedies like the earthquake in Haiti. I wonder how many children they "helped" who were left alone in the aftermath of the devastation. May God help those poor souls who had the misfortune of being the unwilling benefactors of their disgusting "charity". F*ck them. Every disgusting one of them.

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I remember Laura Silsby, too. Haiti is one of the elites’ money laundering and child trafficking nodes. All to the detriment of the citizens while enriching evil people.

Laura Silsby-tried to take orphans out of Haiti, only when stopped, most of the children weren’t orphans.

Laura Silsby-when to prison. Pardoned by Clinton. Worked for Amber Alert.🤔

Pretty obvious what she and the Clintons were involved with (in addition to theft).

Thanks, Pepe Lives Matter! God bless .🙏

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The Naked Truth is arising from the Well of Silence and The People will no longer be able to look away.

The Finely Dressed Lies that many have followed, enamored by the prestige of such fine linens, are being revealed as the tattered rags they are in the midst of ridiculing the Naked Truth.

May we all ask to blessed indeed with the strength, fortitude and compassion we WILL need, not only for ourselves as truly, what we DO know is nothing compared to the reality, but also to help those who have not yet awakened at all to the ugly, but necessary, revealing of the Naked Truth.

We all, in time, can get over the loss of the money and the corruption thereof and within.

NO ONE will get over the horrific and horrendous loss of The Children and all that surrounds that abomination.

That, in my opinion, will be the hardest part of the Naked Truth to absorb.

As God's Children, we will NEVER be able to understand the depths of depravity succumbed to reaching levels of evil that are incomprehensible to a Soul.

To be honest, I don't think we would want to. One would have to go to a VERY dark place to do so.

Jesus said to keep our eyes upon Him, and I'm ok with that.

He says Justice is His. I'm ok with that too. However, I have NO PROBLEM keeping the depraveds celled up (or them choosing the end themselves) waiting for that meeting!

As much as we Love the children, God LOVES them far more.

It is, in my humble opinion, our job to be the support that will be necessary for our fellow brothers and sisters, for no one ever said the Naked Truth was gonna be pretty.

As always Pepe, you never fail to be amazing.

May this note find you well my Friend, very well indeed.

*Tips hat


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I offer my 72 foot pine tree 🎄🌴 We The People Voted Trump 🇺🇲 Law and Order ⚖️

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The Clintons are the most corrupt, even more corrupt that the other corrupt pols.

And then the Obamas.

Is the Biden Crime family even part of this universe? Perhaps with them it is just the same sort of greed and corruption. Putrid, all of them

Even though I did not like Carter as a president, he was a very nice guy.

Thank you so much for sharing this shockingly sad information

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Everyone of them are evil.

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All so they could traffic kids.

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Around 2012 I watched Haitians protest against the Clintons in NYC. I was struck by how sincere they seemed. The vision of them pleading with whoever would listen never left my mind.

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Thank you, President Trump for exposing these treasonous individuals for what they are.

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This does not surprise me one tiny bit. This is not the first time that elites from the USA have pilfered vast sums from Haiti. Just punishment would be to banish the thieves to...Haiti...marked with the sign of the beast. See how they survive. Baby Doc's totalitarian corrupt rule facilitated the ransack of the country's treasury, much of it gold. The corrupt, at the expense of hardship put upon others, will one day have to account.

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