We’re not even one month into Trump’s FAFO administration and he’s already shutting down the system’s entire financial money laundering apparatus, made Canada and Mexico his trade war bi*ch, secured the border, declared war against the human trafficking cartels, removed men from humiliating women in their sports, drained the swamp at an accelerated pace by removing thousands of DC bureaucrats, triggered libs with memes while saving the world, and put competent people in charge of dismantling everything Biden ruined.
Love it! Brilliant! Thank you for making me smile ! It’s long overdue & we have hung in there for years….so bring it. The left is freaking out …wonderful!!
What you are witnessing here Joe, to use your words, is a simple ROI (Return of Investment). Winning is the only ROI. God Blessing us with Trump is a simple ROI. One vote per person is the simplest form of winning or ROI one can have in this country, making you absolutely right, simple things for simple, efficient minds.
Yes it is habbening!!! We need to keep President Trump and his team in our prayers constantly along with his family. It’s a relief to interact with all of you who started following the “drops” and never looked back. Family and friends probably don’t even remember why they got so angry at me for trying to show them what lurked just beyond the veil. We that stayed the course are experiencing major VINDICATION. We are not conspiracy theorists. We are realists living in the present and looking to the future.
I have long said "LORD please protect President Trump and all of the Trump supporters worldwide. ThanQ Christ Jesus". Why not include ALL of the peeps risking their lives for the Trump/truther movement?
Dude, you really are only surface smart and literally illiterate. Not one person in this thread says Trump is going to save the world. All you can do is get on the dying side of the democratic party wine and cry group. Every group needs it's cry baby in dissent, but come on man, write something with guts. If you notice, I'm the only one giving you any time to shine, so do it. Prove everybody wrong and tell us why God has nothing to do with it. Take all the time you need, but do it before 2028.
This has been so amazing! I am smiling again!😊 I feel like my children will grow up with confidence and a real shot at a great life! The democrat party will cease to exist, and it is GLORIOUS! NGO's will cease to exist, and they will have to find new ways to rob us blind, it will take them years to recover from this. One thing, we cannot let our guard down, we are dealing with evil people. In the meantime, enjoy it!
15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
There you go again denying a registered positive ROI. I guess with your negativity and demonic repeating of the same word, you're the person that no one excepted in the group, so you thought by attempting to be a buzz kill, you would be accepted. Come on over to our enlightenment, and take part of your overdue ROI.
Hopium is a slang term that refers to irrational or unwarranted optimism, often used to describe a situation where someone clings to false hopes. It is a blend of the words "hope" and "opium," suggesting a dependency on unrealistic expectations.
Millions paid to politicians by pharmaceutical companies, have created evil, lazy freaks like pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Maxine, Bernie, etc. without term limits, the greed will continue. The behavior by 86 yr old Maxine is dangerous. Schumer at 75, looks bent on destroying our country. He watched the murders, slashing, gangs with guns taking over apartment buildings, and never said a word because he had $66 million in campaign fund and millions from pharmaceutical companies.
They thought they could hide their money laundering in computer code and no one would ever find it. Trump, Elon and the team blew it wide open in less than a month. They can cry and scream all they want. They can try to take Trump and Elon to court, but if they lawyer up it will have to be on their dime for a change and I think they know Trump and Elon would go all the way to the Supremes. Will they gamble with their own money??? I rather doubt it. 😂
Nice to be in the FO of the FAFO Stage. Long 4+ years of suffering controlled demolition of culture, country, common sense. No men in woman sports!
No money for all the snakes heads that have poisoned the lot of us. Best is yet to come!!! Winning never gets old. No mercy for the “blob” or it’s bleeding heart grifting hypocrites. Never thought I’d see such Bold and Brave deeds thank you Trump
AWWW Pepe you are my FREN indeed and you matter so much, I would kiss you if you were here and do it with a smile on my face. ( Of course it would be a GRANDMOTHER Kiss on the cheek or both cheeks.) I am so happy today to get your news and the news from other great Substack contributors as well. Finally after 5 years of being in the waiting room I can go out to play! Of course, I will be careful to check for headless snakes first and pockets of wandering minions once under the control and monetarily supported by the swamp rats of the cabal.
I am loving the winning and can’t wait for more! Thank you frens for being in the trenches with me. Loving Elon and the aut.genius’. They are included in my prayers.
He’s done so much in one month, he could quit right now and we would be way ahead. But there’s so much more to do , it’s also easy. One executive order can shut down hundred billion dollars of fraud. Boom. It’s all so easy.
I am never on Facebook but.... I do go and check on friends and family, all of them have extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome. Over the years, their posts and anger was disappointing, and discouraging but I just held my head straight and focused
My brother still rants but he just reads the ranty people - like Tedrich? and some others, all cry baby posts. He has been slightly more quiet. haha
Oh Gail, I understand what you have been through. Same has happened to me. I have a FB account just to (really) check in on my old beloved FB Jesus loving friends.
I was thrown off of FB in 2021 and as a result, also suspended from Instagram which was primarily a sewing friends, quilting groups account for me.
Yes, I know exactly what happened to you. Those over seers are despicable.
Love it! Brilliant! Thank you for making me smile ! It’s long overdue & we have hung in there for years….so bring it. The left is freaking out …wonderful!!
We actually made it to the best part of this journey! Medals for everyone!
..And Blessings Always to you for all that you have done🙏🏻
Semper Fi🇺🇸
Yes Sir!
Simple things for simple minds.
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, they know not what they say, but we wish them well anyway.
Ha ha ha
What you are witnessing here Joe, to use your words, is a simple ROI (Return of Investment). Winning is the only ROI. God Blessing us with Trump is a simple ROI. One vote per person is the simplest form of winning or ROI one can have in this country, making you absolutely right, simple things for simple, efficient minds.
Yes it is habbening!!! We need to keep President Trump and his team in our prayers constantly along with his family. It’s a relief to interact with all of you who started following the “drops” and never looked back. Family and friends probably don’t even remember why they got so angry at me for trying to show them what lurked just beyond the veil. We that stayed the course are experiencing major VINDICATION. We are not conspiracy theorists. We are realists living in the present and looking to the future.
Praise GOD
I have long said "LORD please protect President Trump and all of the Trump supporters worldwide. ThanQ Christ Jesus". Why not include ALL of the peeps risking their lives for the Trump/truther movement?
God has nothing to do with it. Tell me in the Bible where an orange man saves the world.
Take all the time you need.
Dude, you really are only surface smart and literally illiterate. Not one person in this thread says Trump is going to save the world. All you can do is get on the dying side of the democratic party wine and cry group. Every group needs it's cry baby in dissent, but come on man, write something with guts. If you notice, I'm the only one giving you any time to shine, so do it. Prove everybody wrong and tell us why God has nothing to do with it. Take all the time you need, but do it before 2028.
Don’t know about the Bible and Trump etc but I suspect that Trump is the front man for a military op that’s not new …. Decades in the making
Oh, they've done it somewhere. I've seen it. Trump has been ordained as the Jewish Messiah. You can look it up.
This has been so amazing! I am smiling again!😊 I feel like my children will grow up with confidence and a real shot at a great life! The democrat party will cease to exist, and it is GLORIOUS! NGO's will cease to exist, and they will have to find new ways to rob us blind, it will take them years to recover from this. One thing, we cannot let our guard down, we are dealing with evil people. In the meantime, enjoy it!
Remember: "Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you and you will glorify me."
Hopium is the deadliest drug on the planet and you're struggling out on it.
1 Peter 3:15
New International Version
15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
There you go again denying a registered positive ROI. I guess with your negativity and demonic repeating of the same word, you're the person that no one excepted in the group, so you thought by attempting to be a buzz kill, you would be accepted. Come on over to our enlightenment, and take part of your overdue ROI.
Nice comment. You meant strung out I am sure.
Hopium is a slang term that refers to irrational or unwarranted optimism, often used to describe a situation where someone clings to false hopes. It is a blend of the words "hope" and "opium," suggesting a dependency on unrealistic expectations.
Give it a rest, you’re not even saying anything funny or clever; just the same tired bullshit your side is known for.
Millions paid to politicians by pharmaceutical companies, have created evil, lazy freaks like pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Maxine, Bernie, etc. without term limits, the greed will continue. The behavior by 86 yr old Maxine is dangerous. Schumer at 75, looks bent on destroying our country. He watched the murders, slashing, gangs with guns taking over apartment buildings, and never said a word because he had $66 million in campaign fund and millions from pharmaceutical companies.
They thought they could hide their money laundering in computer code and no one would ever find it. Trump, Elon and the team blew it wide open in less than a month. They can cry and scream all they want. They can try to take Trump and Elon to court, but if they lawyer up it will have to be on their dime for a change and I think they know Trump and Elon would go all the way to the Supremes. Will they gamble with their own money??? I rather doubt it. 😂
Luv luv luv aaaaaallll this WINNING 🚀🔥💥
Hopium is awesome isn't it?
Remember Joe, this is way beyond hopium, this is a 100% ROI in just 3 weeks that is tangible. You won't see that on the New York stock exchange!
It was hopium in October. Now it’s execution. 😄
I’ve had opium and I’ve had hope, but this winning / this “ROI”is better than anything I’ve ever experienced ! Grateful and stunned
Nice to be in the FO of the FAFO Stage. Long 4+ years of suffering controlled demolition of culture, country, common sense. No men in woman sports!
No money for all the snakes heads that have poisoned the lot of us. Best is yet to come!!! Winning never gets old. No mercy for the “blob” or it’s bleeding heart grifting hypocrites. Never thought I’d see such Bold and Brave deeds thank you Trump
Team, Elon and 20 something whiz kids.
AWWW Pepe you are my FREN indeed and you matter so much, I would kiss you if you were here and do it with a smile on my face. ( Of course it would be a GRANDMOTHER Kiss on the cheek or both cheeks.) I am so happy today to get your news and the news from other great Substack contributors as well. Finally after 5 years of being in the waiting room I can go out to play! Of course, I will be careful to check for headless snakes first and pockets of wandering minions once under the control and monetarily supported by the swamp rats of the cabal.
I can’t take it anymore!! 😁🤣🤣
I am loving the winning and can’t wait for more! Thank you frens for being in the trenches with me. Loving Elon and the aut.genius’. They are included in my prayers.
What are we winning?
Was NESARA signed in as law?
Who's been arrested?
Nice copy and paste!
Nothing and nobody. Political theatre.
He’s done so much in one month, he could quit right now and we would be way ahead. But there’s so much more to do , it’s also easy. One executive order can shut down hundred billion dollars of fraud. Boom. It’s all so easy.
I am never on Facebook but.... I do go and check on friends and family, all of them have extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome. Over the years, their posts and anger was disappointing, and discouraging but I just held my head straight and focused
My brother still rants but he just reads the ranty people - like Tedrich? and some others, all cry baby posts. He has been slightly more quiet. haha
Facebook is formerly Life Log, a CIA front.
Oh Gail, I understand what you have been through. Same has happened to me. I have a FB account just to (really) check in on my old beloved FB Jesus loving friends.
I was thrown off of FB in 2021 and as a result, also suspended from Instagram which was primarily a sewing friends, quilting groups account for me.
Yes, I know exactly what happened to you. Those over seers are despicable.
Waiting for all of the Epstein flight logs and videos from Epstein Island to be aired on CNN and MSNBC....
And some prosecutions. I have my doubts because they're all in bed together, pun intended.
Thank you Lord Jesus!!