Thank you, Pepe. Very timely for me today.

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Thank you so much for posting this today. The tension is BAD on social media platforms and it was the perfect thing to share.

You are a blessing today for more people than you know.

God bless you. 🙏🏼

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We must be ceaseless in our daily gratitude to Our Lord, no matter how grave or painful the outlook. Be strong fren 🐸

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Thank you for this message to us as it is especially time full! If you have been awake and involved in sharing the truth with others wether about Christ or this spiritual war you feel exhausted or broken at times and must throw yourself on the Lord for strength, wisdom and guidance. We are surrounded by people we love who are rejecting us and the truth and it requires all of the above and forgiveness. As we face a future in this life which is unknown only through faith and grace do we survive and go forward at times when each step is unknown! Thank you Fren.

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We need to lift each other up and making certain that we stay God centered in these troubled times is so greatly appreciated. It’s easy to run on emotions and lose sight of what is important. I am deeply grateful to you and others such as yourself who provide needed support and guidance. Speaking for myself, my will can be fraught with ego and pride, anger and resentment, and it’s these human emotions that shifts the focus from Christ and His will to dark and ugly. Satan and his demons are alive and well and this is a perfect time for them to attack. Grateful for all who share in their struggles and how they are God and His word centered 🙏

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Thank you Pepe. The Lord has lead you to post this at this time. It is much needed. God bless.

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Your truth and eloquence is a lifeline to many in the throes of despair.✝️🇺🇸

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Your timing...perfection. 🙏 thank you!

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😭 Love this Pepe! You are awesome fren!! ❤️

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Thank you Pepe. Did you ever think you would be writing substacks....isn't life interesting.

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I never thought people would be reading my writings. God has many surprises for us

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Perfect timing for this writing!! ❤️ Thank you.

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Going through some rough times here Pepe. This was very timely! TY

"It wasn't Jacob's strength that saved him but God's strength inside of his weakness." ~ PLM

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Beautifully written, timely too. I don’t like seeing people here in the comments describing their hard times. Only because I don’t like to see people hurting. But then again, would we all be here if we were not hurting? Look at what our pain has done! I need to learn to not resist pain, this piece here is the perfect guide! Amazing!!

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You have described my year with the Lord. At the end of self - and daily in my weakness He is my strength. May He richly bless you for sharing ❤️

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Very Beautiful! Thank you!! ♥️

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Hitting rock bottom was the best thing to experience! He’s been with me every step of the way, waiting and I was a wretched person. How could He love me? How could he forgive me? How could I forgive myself? It’s been a journey and once I surrenders my will and my life to my savior Jesus Christ only then could I recover. I’m nothing without Him. Life was meaningless and cruel and I didn’t want to live anymore. It was this attempt that brought me to Him. I can honestly say there was divine intervention. It’s hard to imagine that kind of love. Especially when addiction made selfish and it’s all about me me me. God’s grace picked me up and I depend on Him and His word to guide me in my recovery. Just because the substance is no longer manipulating my actions and behaviors it doesn’t mean I am healed.

This subversion of our mental health system and addiction services, in my opinion, has been detrimental to addicts everywhere. It’s harm reduction. If I no longer drink a fifth of booze a day but only half, well we succeeded in our goal to reduce the intake, but not the healing of our souls. I don’t know an addict who hasn’t gone to meetings, worked the steps, chaired meetings, become a sponsor and shared their experience strength and hope have a meaningful relationship with God. They are miserable and either they relapse and never come back or they end up in jail or other institutions but saddest of all is they die without ever knowing what a relationship with God is. The Biden administration doesn’t care about the useless addict living on the streets or they would not use this module for recovery.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was going to go there but a burning desire pushed me forward ✝️

Thank you for this inspirational message! Keep them coming. You may never know how many people you have lifted up!

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Thank you for sharing your testimony! Powerful. We can all learn sooo much from one another’s testimonies, life experience and journey home to Christ. Indeed. Makes so much sense what you said, and it’s sooo true… harm reduction… that is all the world has ever offered us!! Never a cure. Never truth. Never hope. Never a genuine soulful approach. Just drugs + enough to keep us alive so that we can keep feeding the beast system (with our addictions, wants, needs, illnesses, etc etc). That is our medical industry to a tee. Harm reduction. Never a solid answer, just a “diagnosis” and a “prescription” for what? More drugs, more hopelessness, more self torture. Praise God you rose above it!! Hitting rock bottom is often the thing that gets us on our knees before the Lord, which is where we belong, not in a Drs waiting room. I’m sorry I ever trusted in or took advise from an atheist, which is what most doctors and scientists are. But I forgive them, Drs + scientists + counselors are trapped in a worldly medical system, and they are the most brainwashed and indoctrinated of us all. But they, the Drs + Psychologists + Life Coaches of this world, never seem to learn from their failures because they just keep dishing out the same stinking diagnosis’ and harm reduction, over and over again. Never any true, genuine, meaningful help. We’re just a number to them. Poor things, forgive them, Father, for they know not what they are doing, as Jesus said. Yep. You nailed it sister. Good on you. Thx again for sharing you’re testimony. Hallelujah, you found what you really were missing in life - the only answer that can ever fill the God-shaped hole in our hearts - our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ :)

The Lord bless you

and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine on you

and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you

and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

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I’ll explain what harm reduction does. It feeds the never ending parade of addicts who either the government or private insurance pay for treatment. If you get a dirty urine analysis then you have to start over from the beginning which means you are trapped in the abyss of never “recovery. Just like gender affirming care the system makes bank without ever considering what happens to the life you are destroying.

I did my practicum at my local mental health clinic as part of my addiction specialist program. The woman who ran it was what addicts call a “normies “ and this was her clinic and you didn’t challenge her. I’m an old school addict. I saw harm reduction strip the individual from accountability because I am pro 12 step integrated with out patient care. 12 step meetings, sponsor, work the 12 steps and commit to service within the 12 step community. She was state and federally funded so numbers mattered. I look at it this way, the 12 steps are God centered. The first three steps are admitting your life is unmanageable, 2 God could and would if sought and step three is turning my will and life over to him. I can’t, he can, and I have to let him. Needless to say I wasn’t hired after my clinical was completed.

When I saw what Biden was doing with these drug havens based on harm reduction, I knew exactly what was happening. Addicts are throw away people. His administration is killing them and they don’t care. I have 18 years clean and I couldn’t have done it without God and community. I’m a miracle. I’m not bragging I just want people to know how and why I’m clean.

The rewards are too many to count but the biggest one is my grandchildren have never seen me high. Grateful to be alive!

Thank you for your response. If you know any one who needs help, harm reduction is not the answer. God bless these lost souls who never got the chance to see how great life is when you are clean!

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I’m so very happy for you. Thank u for the follow up. Addiction is an insidious thing from the enemy our adversary satan which is why it takes an act of God to remove it. Those working in the system who do not do God’s work when it comes to combating addiction are on the side of the enemy in my books. Most of them unwittingly, but some do it wittingly. Biden is absolutely on the side of the enemy. He is a demonrat thru + thru. You are a walking miracle :) My husband is too. Tho he never suffered from addiction, he once suffered from narcissistic personality disorder - something psychiatry claims is incurable. Hah! The moment he gave his life to Jesus it was taken from him - six years born again and that old man died with his old self. Hallelujah. God is the answer to everything that ails us, everything that blesses us, and everything in between. That’s my 3 step program ☺️ Bless you, sister warrior in Jesus.

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