That’s been one of my fav songs since I was a little girl! My whole life I’ve just known things. Known about the evil, felt things empathetically. Now it’s all coming out. Coming to fruition.
Personally I think Moody Blues lyrics, which I've enjoyed for decades, are such that Carter would have been incapable of grasping the thoughts behind the songs. While they express nothing more than humanist concepts, Carter was an elitist humanist, with him among the top of the heap.
I doubt he could attribute this as anything other than a desire to control the common man's magnetic ink:
When asked why didn’t write more while he was with the Moodies, Graeme Edge replied (I am paraphrasing) “... my Mates helped me generously and I profusely thanked them.”
No doubt in my mind it was a photo, NOT written word(s).
Possibly a photo depicting one of their sick satanic rituals, where a mere glimpse is all it would take to make a normal human gasp aloud in horror & disgust. Documented Proof of their crimes against humanity.
Perhaps my favorite mystery event in the whole Great Awakening Psy War. Thanks, fren, for your dedicated work in putting this all together in one place. Love it.
There’s a writer here on Substack named Joe Lange, excellent work! He’s working his way through a lot of material from what really happened in Benghazi, to Saudi Arabia’s place in the Trump story. He’s promised he’ll be getting to the “note story” soon!
Great article. Thank you! I recall those expressions of horror! No wonder they’ve even tried to kill him! I do believe that this plan has been going on for decades! Trump has been read in for a very long time too, probably at least as far back as the Giuliano mafia RICO cases. Just my opinion from reading and listening to various podcasters and historians since 2015. Yes DJT is a very brave man and that’s why he probably was chosen by those who know the truth and I believe by God for this moment in time.❤️🇺🇸🙏
I believe that through my faith in God my Father Almighty, His Son Jesus Christ my Savior and God’s Holy Spirit that I can feel evil when it’s around me and know as in detect evilness in individuals. It’s allowed me to turn away from harmful people and circumstances. My faith has been a shield to protect me and I am blessed. These demons are surrounded by evil and they invoke it and it empowers them. They have no Conscience or guilt. Unfortunately for humanity we have experienced generations of vile people in power in America and they have committed unspeakable horror and crimes. The only President who attended that funeral who I voted for was President Trump. My prayers for our future are for America to return to being one nation under God and the protection of our children.
Thank you for a great presentation of truth, transparency and integrity. And hope for our future as the truth is exposed.
Watching, observing, following Trump for the last decade has been a profound lesson in courage and integrity, as well as an incorruptible Love for our Country.
Like everyone, I would love to know what was on the notes…. Perhaps just one word: Checkmate ♟️
There has been so much that has happened that it's good to revisit. Eyes more open now so that things that were missed will be seen. Sure would like to know what was writen on that note. Maybe, "The wind blows, the sea flows and GOD KNOWS.
This was an excellent article! Thank you. I especially liked the ultimate JFK section, as I’ve been after all info for years. Even saw a pix of jr. bush walking on the green in Texas in his loafers, white socks and jeans! The Kennedy Killers dvds were great sources if they are still around. I enjoy your emails!
Interesting that as Killary was realizing the impact of "the note" they were discussing the "very nice note" HW left for the Philanderer in Chief upon taking office.
Was that unwitting reporter given that talking point to draw attention to "the note" ???
With regard to the Note; I can't remember where I read this, but I distinctly remember someone revealing that it said; "They know everything. Sorry." With Bush Senior's signature. Obviously I don't know how true or otherwise this may be, but that would explain the various reactions.
This story reminds me of these lyrics from the Moody Blues:
"Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
Removes the colours from our sight,
Red is grey and yellow white,
But we decide which is right,
And which is an illusion.
Pinprick holes in a colourless sky
Let insipid figures of light pass by;
The mighty light of ten thousand suns
Challenges infinity and is soon gone.
Night time, to some a brief interlude,
To others the fear of solitude.
Brave Helios, wake up your steeds,
Bring the warmth the countryside needs."
-- Graeme Edge & Peter Knight, "The Day Begins," Overture to the album 'Days Of Future Passed' (released Nov 1967)
Here's praying Helios gets those steeds moving soon...
That’s been one of my fav songs since I was a little girl! My whole life I’ve just known things. Known about the evil, felt things empathetically. Now it’s all coming out. Coming to fruition.
Being 'like that' can be a blessing or a curse. Sometimes a bit of both.
It must be gratifying to see what is happening now -- that you always had a sense, would happen some day.
Which in turn reminds me of this:
"Some day, yeah
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter"
-- Stan Vincent, "O-o-h Child," recorded by the Five Stairsteps (released April 1970)
I loved this song since it came on the radio. FM wasn’t a thing yet and now look at us
Great song!
Personally I think Moody Blues lyrics, which I've enjoyed for decades, are such that Carter would have been incapable of grasping the thoughts behind the songs. While they express nothing more than humanist concepts, Carter was an elitist humanist, with him among the top of the heap.
I doubt he could attribute this as anything other than a desire to control the common man's magnetic ink:
"I think, I think I am
Therefore I am, I think
Of course you are my bright little star
I've miles and miles of files
Pretty files of your forefather's fruit
And now to suit our great computer
You're magnetic ink
I'm more than that
I know I am
At least, I think I must be
There you go man
Keep as cool as you can
Face piles of trials with smiles
It riles them to believe
That you perceive the web they weave
And keep on thinking free"
Face piles of trials with smiles ..... 🤠
Knights in White Satin will always be in my top 20. They were great in concert. The songwriters were serious thinkers. Music ain’t what it used to be
It was a regular at high school dances -the coveted slow dance!
I saw them in concert about 1980. It was unlike any other concert I’d been to. It was an experience. Loved it.
When asked why didn’t write more while he was with the Moodies, Graeme Edge replied (I am paraphrasing) “... my Mates helped me generously and I profusely thanked them.”
There you go man
Keep as cool as you can,
It riles them to believe that you perceive
The web they weave.
Keep on thinking free.
Days of Future Passed…one of my very favorite albums since I was 12 years old!
And one of the classic albums of rock and roll, according to many experts.
Excellent post ! Carters funeral might be….interesting. Thanks
Thank you!
I eagerly await the day when we can all see what was in those envelopes! The look on Jeb's face was the most revealing of all.
We would all like to know exactly what was written on the notes.
No doubt in my mind it was a photo, NOT written word(s).
Possibly a photo depicting one of their sick satanic rituals, where a mere glimpse is all it would take to make a normal human gasp aloud in horror & disgust. Documented Proof of their crimes against humanity.
Every picture tells a story.
Jimmy's casket should be filled with peanuts.
They thought they got away with it....but their were watchers tracking their every move for decades
Perhaps my favorite mystery event in the whole Great Awakening Psy War. Thanks, fren, for your dedicated work in putting this all together in one place. Love it.
Thank you my friend! Appreciate you!
There’s a writer here on Substack named Joe Lange, excellent work! He’s working his way through a lot of material from what really happened in Benghazi, to Saudi Arabia’s place in the Trump story. He’s promised he’ll be getting to the “note story” soon!
Yeah, I know Joe's stuff from when I was reading Badlands. I'll check out his latest pieces. Be fun to have his take on this event. Thanks! C
Great article. Thank you! I recall those expressions of horror! No wonder they’ve even tried to kill him! I do believe that this plan has been going on for decades! Trump has been read in for a very long time too, probably at least as far back as the Giuliano mafia RICO cases. Just my opinion from reading and listening to various podcasters and historians since 2015. Yes DJT is a very brave man and that’s why he probably was chosen by those who know the truth and I believe by God for this moment in time.❤️🇺🇸🙏
We have reached (once again in history) the realm of the evil is god; good is evil saga…. Hopefully for the last time in centuries.
I believe that through my faith in God my Father Almighty, His Son Jesus Christ my Savior and God’s Holy Spirit that I can feel evil when it’s around me and know as in detect evilness in individuals. It’s allowed me to turn away from harmful people and circumstances. My faith has been a shield to protect me and I am blessed. These demons are surrounded by evil and they invoke it and it empowers them. They have no Conscience or guilt. Unfortunately for humanity we have experienced generations of vile people in power in America and they have committed unspeakable horror and crimes. The only President who attended that funeral who I voted for was President Trump. My prayers for our future are for America to return to being one nation under God and the protection of our children.
Thank you for a great presentation of truth, transparency and integrity. And hope for our future as the truth is exposed.
Thank you God bless
Great article!
Watching, observing, following Trump for the last decade has been a profound lesson in courage and integrity, as well as an incorruptible Love for our Country.
Like everyone, I would love to know what was on the notes…. Perhaps just one word: Checkmate ♟️
Thank you, Pepe! ❤️
Thank you!
Great article, well done. Thank you.
There has been so much that has happened that it's good to revisit. Eyes more open now so that things that were missed will be seen. Sure would like to know what was writen on that note. Maybe, "The wind blows, the sea flows and GOD KNOWS.
Thanks Pepe
This was an excellent article! Thank you. I especially liked the ultimate JFK section, as I’ve been after all info for years. Even saw a pix of jr. bush walking on the green in Texas in his loafers, white socks and jeans! The Kennedy Killers dvds were great sources if they are still around. I enjoy your emails!
Thank you!
Interesting that as Killary was realizing the impact of "the note" they were discussing the "very nice note" HW left for the Philanderer in Chief upon taking office.
Was that unwitting reporter given that talking point to draw attention to "the note" ???
I don’t believe that President Carter received an envelope.
With regard to the Note; I can't remember where I read this, but I distinctly remember someone revealing that it said; "They know everything. Sorry." With Bush Senior's signature. Obviously I don't know how true or otherwise this may be, but that would explain the various reactions.